Chapter 13: Memories of Summer

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After the events of the Hungarian Grand Prix, the F1 season whisked the drivers off to Spa for the Belgian Grand Prix before the summer break commenced. The 20 drivers, and their teams, scattered across the globe, seeking respite from the intense racing circuit. Some indulged in rigorous training regimens, others embarked on vacations, while a few relished quality time with family and friends. It was a brief intermission, a chance for both physical rejuvenation and mental reprieve before the high-stakes races resumed.

With the break seemingly fleeting, the hiatus elapsed in the blink of an eye. As the last days of the season's summer break rolled round, Eli and Lando perched on the familiar bench by the harbour, a spot that had become a sanctuary for them. The tranquil waves gently lapped against the dock, the cool breeze whispering promises of autumn's arrival. It's also been a month since Lando's confession in Hungary, and it lingered in Eli's mind like a quiet presence that coloured their interactions with unspoken possibilities. Despite the weight of his words, the simplicity of their shared moments together often led Eli to momentarily cast aside the complexity of her guardian angel duties. Instead, she revelled in the laughter, the stories shared, and the adventures embarked upon, allowing herself to simply enjoy the present. Lando, true to his word, never pressed for an answer, granting Eli the freedom to navigate their evolving connection at her own pace. Their summer was a mosaic of shared experiences, a tapestry woven with shared laughter, whispered dreams, and countless heartbeats that intertwined amidst the warmth of the season.

As Eli stole a glance at Lando beside her, memories cascaded through her mind like an old film reel, each frame a cherished moment.

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Discoveries amidst Seascapes

Amidst the summer heat, Lando took Eli to the Oceanographic Museum. They strolled through the vast exhibits, marvelling at the colour marine life swimming in the aquatic tanks. Eli's eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement, and Lando found himself relishing in her joy. He couldn't help but find himself drawn to her laughter, her enthusiasm, and the way her eyes lit up. As the wandered around, something caught Eli's attention, and without thinking, she grabbed Lando's hand and led them to stand before a massive tank. Lando's eyes drifted to their hands, still intertwined, and warmth surged through his body. He couldn't help but let his heart flutter that you would wonder how such a gentle touch could be so exhilarating. For a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still, the gravity of her gesture not lost on him. He stole a glance at Eli, her eyes fixated on an exhibit, unaware of the silent whirlwind of emotions in Lando's heart.

Caught in the spell of the moment, he didn't realise that Eli had finally let go as she gently placed her hand on the glass as she watched in awe as a school of fish darted back and forth. Her face glowed with wonder, and you could tell how such a simple trip to the aquarium filled her with glee. It was in that moment, watching her absorbed in the beauty of the ocean world, that he realised how much he enjoyed spending time with her. Seeing her genuine happiness became something he cherished. He wanted nothing more than to continue filling her summer with more delightful moments, making memories that they could both treasure.

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A Sun-Kissed Memory by the Sea

The next memory shimmered like the sun on the water's surface— bright and vivid, just like the day Lando had whisked Eli away on his boat. The gentle sway of the waves carried them to an isolated cove, a secret haven where the only footprints on the sand were their own. Lando, always up for a challenge, proposed a friendly competition: a race along the shoreline. "3...2..." Lando counted down, but before he could even finish, Eli sprinted off in attempts to get a head start. But of course, he closed the gap swiftly and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. "Lando! Put me down!" Eli shrieked; laughter mixed with playful protest as he hoisted her up onto his shoulder, threatening to toss her into the water. "Sorry, cheaters should get punished," he teased, grinning mischievously as he held her securely, their laughter mingling with the sound of the crashing waves. He eventually set her down, their faces mere inches apart.

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