Christmas Wish

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⚠️This is an 18+ story ⚠️

~ <3 ~

Taehyung is laying on his king-sized bed, lazily flicking through the show selections on his TV as he hugs a pillow. The only thing covering him is a silky red robe that drapes across his entire body. Under that, nothing. He doesn't care that it's the middle of a cold December winter and that his windows are lined with frost, he isn't cold anyway. It takes a while for him to feel the temperature drop. His mother tells him that's because on the day he was born it was a freezing snowstorm, and everything in the hospital was cold—except for the beautiful baby boy in her arms. So she says Taehyung must've been born with a resistance to it.

In any case, Taehyung can't find anything good to watch so he turns off his TV with a sigh. Yet, as he does he hears the door to his apartment opening and someone shuffling inside. Taehyung smiles, there's only one other person who has his spare key.


"In here!" He calls, resting his head on the pillow as he shifts his legs slightly. The action causes the robe to slip and reveal higher up his tanned legs.

When he sees him appear in the bedroom entry, clad in a fully black suit with messy damp hair due to the snowy weather outside and slightly sweating, Taehyung feels his heart pick up. Every time he sees him Taehyung is always swept away with how gorgeous he is, he can't believe he's his—or well, almost his.

"Jungkook." He breathes, a little breathless because that just the effect the other has on him.

"Hey." He replies coolly, walking over to him. Taehyung doesn't miss the way his eyes trail over his body.

"You didn't even take off your jacket." Taehyung laughs, brushing his silver-dyed hair from his eyes as Jungkook sits beside him.

"I ran here, just couldn't wait to see you." He says, leaning down and kissing Taehyung's lips. He hums, slipping off Jungkook's coat and throwing it to the side before pulling him closer. His lips are cold, but against his own it feels like a fire.

"Hm, don't you have three cars rich boy?" Taehyung murmurs, cupping Jungkook's face. His cheeks are also red and freezing, but that only gives Taehyung more reason to keep his hands there to warm him up.

"Yeah but I don't think you want a sports car parked outside your apartment building. It'd draw too much attention." He mouths down the side of Taehyung's face, loving the soft sounds coming from the other. He's just so warm and Jungkook wants to be wrapped around him all the time.

"Yeah? This place too shabby for a CEO's son?" Taehyung asks with a smirk.

Jungkook rolls his eyes, "You know I don't think of you like that."

He leans back a bit to look Taehyung in the eyes. "Money isn't everything."

The older shrugs, "Your father doesn't think so. Along with your wife." His tone is playful but Jungkook can detect the small truth behind them.

He sighs, "Only for a little while longer m'kay. I only married her because—"

"Because your father made you and you had no other choice. I know Koo. That doesn't mean I can't be a little upset." Taehyung sits up now, thumb rubbing over Jungkook's cheek.

"I wouldn't have married her if I met you first. This is a loveless marriage, simply business."

Taehyung raises an eyebrow, "Business? That why you're trying for a baby?" His hand slips away but Jungkook grabs onto it desperately.

"Taehyung! That's not true, it's just the media trying to speculate things. The plan is still the same, when my father hands me his position I'll divorce Hyunji, and I'll be all yours." Jungkook's free hand travels to Taehyung's chin, lightly tilting it so he'll look into his eyes. And when they do it's like stars shine between them.

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