Smile for the Camera!

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⚠️This is an 18+ story ⚠️

~ <3 ~

"Tae? Are you ready?"

Jungkook's voice rings throughout their set as he adjusts his camera. It's the only sound in the empty set room save for Jungkook's soft humming. Usually, a few other staff would be bustling about behind him, calling shots and shuffling papers. But today he's alone as per request of Taehyung, his model—and also boyfriend.

Jungkook doesn't really mind the vacantness though, he's used to working alone and finds the silence rather calming. What the male is really thinking of is his boyfriend's new modelling outfit. Unfortunately, he has no idea what it is.

It's a little concerning since he's the cameraman, but Taehyung said it was a surprise and he knows his boyfriend wouldn't do this if he wasn't absolutely sure that Jungkook would love it.

He tests the camera a little by turning on the record button, wanting to try out a new setting with the camera when just then, the sounds of bare feet padding on the floor alerts Jungkook. That must be Taehyung. Yet, when he looks up to see his boyfriend's outfit, his mouth goes dry.

Taehyung stares at him nervously awaiting a response.

Jungkook stares back with his jaw dropped and his dick straightening in his pants.

Because Taehyung's in nothing but light blue, babydoll lace. The fabric being held by two flimsy pieces of the lace straps tight around his bare shoulders (that Jungkook suddenly wants to fully mark). His boobs sit inside the lace, looking so soft and plump, and if Jungkook looks hard enough he may be able to catch sight of his nipple. But most importantly, when Taehyung shifts slightly from one foot to the other, he can see how the lace opens in the front like a robe, showcasing the matching panties barely hiding his boyfriend's pussy.

"Kookie?" Taehyung's soft voice breaks Jungkook's gaze that's trailing down his honey-toned legs. "Do you like it?" He asks.

Jungkook gulps. What can he say?

How can he convey that the way the lace hugs his curves and flutters on his skin makes Jungkook want to run his hands over them? He wants to feel how soft his boyfriend feels as he spends his sweet time suckling hickeys across his prominent collarbones, leaving little bite marks so Taehyung's fully claimed. How could he say that the way the babydoll dress barely gets to his thighs makes Jungkook's dick twitch, wanting to only grab those supple thighs and spread them open, letting them hook around his waist as he pounds into his tight pussy, lace pushed aside and becoming drenched in pussy slick. How could he say that the lace is Taehyung's most prettiest outfit that could only be enhanced when Jungkook splatters his cum all over the fabric?

Jungkook just wants to fuck him.

But Taehyung, ever the tease, walks in front of the camera, his shadow big against the white backdrop. His sultry eyes look into the camera lens as his poses come easy to him, gently stretching out his limbs as he waits for Jungkook to move out of his shocked state. He only becomes conscious when Taehyung bends down and displays his cleavage for the camera.

"Jungkook, did you already press record?—"

"T-Taehyung! You can't wear that!—" He protests, Taehyung tilts his head.

"What do you mean Kookie? This is the outfit I was given, I already signed the contract and everything."

Jungkook shakes his head and crosses his arms like a stubborn child, "No way! I-it's too... small! You have to send the outfit back, tell them you can't model!"

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