Late night, wine talks 🍷

17 0 0

Pairing- Dazai x chuuya


Today was one of Chuuya's very rare days off from work. It was peaceful for a while, but guess who came barging in?

" Chibi~"

Chuuya let out an annoyed sigh, fully regretting giving this man a spare key to his apartment.

Dazai made his way into the kitchen, following the smell of noodles. Plopping himself on a barstool swinging his legs idly.

" You can't leave me alone for one day, can you shitty Dazai? Always bothering me, tch."

" Fine Fine, I see how it is then. Guess I'll go find a nice river, or maybe-

" God damn it-Dazai! No-just...just stay here!"

Dazai giggled,

" Awww so you do care about me, how kind of you Chibi-Chan!"

" Well today so happens to be my day off, and what other way is there to spend it than annoying my favorite person!"

Chuuya just glared at Dazai for a solid minute, and gave up once he realized he wasn't going to leave him alone. ( Not that he minded to much but shh)

" Just be quiet, will you."

And yet, even though Chuuya seems absolutely annoyed, he still gives him a bowl of noodles.

" Thank you shorty~I can not believe I am so blessed to have some of your-"

" Just shut up and eat before it gets cold,stupid mackerel."

" Hai Hai..."

Dazai hums happily as he eats his noodles.

" So what's the plan going to be today Chibi?"

" Plan? I needed to go grocery shopping."

" Is it really groceries? Or just your way of saying more wine?" Dazai teased, Chuuya flicked his forehead.

" actual food smartass. I have more things than wine, unlike you."

Dazai gasped, acting offended at such a remark. Chuuya pointed to the bowl in front of Dazai then at him, silently telling him to shut up and eat. After a while they both finished the meal, Dazai had silently helped with the dishes. It was times like these that Chuuya enjoyed, the two of them silently in the company of the other. It was rather peaceful compared to what they both are always surrounded by. Loud,bossy, obnoxious people.

" Mackerel, you coming to the store with me or not?"

Dazai hummed in agreement, walking to the door. Chuuya double checked to make sure he had his wallet, then the ex-port mafia and mafia members were off.

The streets were practically deserted, a little odd for it to be on a Saturday afternoon but neither of them questioned it too much. There was a nice gentle breeze, sounds of the birds chirping from above, it was nice...

" Dazai, pay attention!"

Dazai was suddenly pulled to the side, he wore a confused expression. Letting out a confused' huh?'

" Don't wander into oncoming traffic... stupid mackerel..."

Chuuya rambled, taking the outside of the sidewalk.

" Sorry, Sorry. I didn't mean to do it this time. Dozed off I guess"

Chuuya just huffed and pulled him the rest of the way to the grocery store, practically throwing him inside the store once they got there.

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