Favorite Time of the Year

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The moon reflecting on the frozen lake is beautiful

Almost as beautiful as the snowflakes falling down

The cold chill of the night makes me shiver

But being surrounded with beauty makes it hard to frown

Walking down the streets, I see snowmen in the yards

Brightly lit houses decorated for Christmas light my way

Christmas music flows through the air from the cars that pass

Making tonight the end of a perfect and chilly day

Trees with no leaves still sway with the wind

Though the rustling noises are no longer there

It doesn't put me in a fouler mood, just makes me happier

Because a bad mood for me at this time is rare

When I get home, I'll make hot chocolate

And sit by the warm fire in the fireplace

I'll cozy up with my favorite book

Just to bring a bigger smile to my face

Winter is my favorite time of the year

Maybe it's the bitterness of the cold against my cheeks

Or perhaps the happiness it brings to the children

And definitely the way the wind makes my house creak

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