Bixanna's Child 1

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Name: Fukumi Strauss

Name Meaning: Good fortune

Age: 9 years old.

Romantic Orientation: Unknown.

Zodiac: Pisces.







Scars: None

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Scars: None.

Guild Insignia: On her left cheek in red.

Clothing Style:

Casual Outfit: The one before.

Formal Outfit:

Pyajamas Outfit:

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Pyajamas Outfit:

Pyajamas Outfit:

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Magic Type: Caster

Magic Name: Take Over

Details: She can transform into different animals. However, she is practising the magic and cannot control it properly yet.



【Guild Details】



Guild: Fairy tail.

Rank: None.

Member: Yes.

Guild Logo:

Guild Logo:

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Team: N/A






Father: Bickslow Strauss.

Mother: Lisanna Strauss.

Sister: Bonnie Strauss. 

Sister: Samiko Strauss.

Uncle: Laxus Dreyar.

Auntie: Mirajane Strauss Dreyar.

Cousin: Daika Dreyar.

Cousin: Ryna Dreyar.

Cousin: Yuri Dreyar.

Uncle: Elfman Strauss.

Auntie: Evergreen Strauss.

Cousin: Febuki Strauss.

Cousin: Junko Strauss.

Cousin: Chiharu Strauss.

Cousin: Daisuke Strauss.

Grandfather: Unknown.

Grandmother: Unknown.


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