~~When You Re-Meet (Part 2)~~

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Author's Note:

Yo homedogs... I was just wondering if ya'll could go check out my original stories... Please... I would be very grateful. I know I say that quite often, but I have like 15 followers that follow me for all of my stories and not just my fanfics... There are a lot of you peoples, so... Please? For me? Your friend?

But you don't have to, and I won't make you. It would just make me very happy.

The list of original stories from me is:

Demon in the Mist

My Brother's Bandmate

Project Incandescence


Please go check out at least one of those. If you like them, vote and comment on them! I sometimes do cool things for people that do that (like reply to comments or shoutouts.)

Also, the Jason the Toy Maker story I will not be making. Too many projects already.

That's all... I guess continue on with the fanfic...


P.S: Sorry the scenarios get short towards the end... I was just dying a little bit.


The Bloody Painter

You were picking up Nathan from daycare when you saw him. He was standing by the large oak tree at the end of the daycare's front yard. He seemed familiar, but you couldn't place his face... Well, mask. The feeling you had in your stomach was unsettling, like you or Nathan could be in danger. Yet, the feeling also had a hint of admiration mingling with the unsettling feeling.

Nathan grabbed your hand, holding the teddy bear that he took everywhere in his other hand. He flashed you a grin, "Mommy, my picture got on the wall!"

Your son's voice broke through your reverie. You glanced down at the little tyke, "That's great, Nathan! Did you paint it?"

"Yeah! Miss Johns let me finger paint," Nathan was practically bouncing up and down, pointing at the wall. "Look at it! It's up on the wall!"

Your gaze wandered to where he was pointing. A picture of a lone, barren tree was up on the wall. The picture was quite amazing, but so was your son. He was quite an advanced little boy when it came to the arts and speech. Where he got his gift, you had no idea. You figured it had to be his father, whoever that may be.

A smile broke out across your lips, "That's beautiful, baby!" Of course you were proud of your son. Why wouldn't you be? He was the best thing that had ever happened to you. However, the fact that his father remained unknown unsettled you.

Suddenly your "Mommy Senses" started tingling, and you turned around. There before you stood the vaguely familiar man. That odd feeling pooled in the pit of your stomach again as you protectively stood in front of Nathan. The man took notice of this and smiled beneath his mask, "No, no... I'm not here to hurt you... I just... I..." 

You couldn't see but beneath his mask, the man's smile has turned into a frown. You waited for a bit before snapping at him, "You what?! Spit it out! I don't have all day!"

The man let out a heavy sigh, letting his head lean back, "Never... Never mind. It was good to see you and Nathan again." With that, the man walked away. This left you to ponder why the hell he seemed to know you and Nathan.


Suicidal Ash (A/N: Super short. Lo siento)

You picked Jax up from daycare only to come home to a man seated on your couch. You would've screamed had he not stood up, and spoke first. He look at you with an intense sincerity, "We need to talk." Then he disappeared through your tv.

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