Masked Duelist

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Chapter 6: Masked Duelist

It is now a day time and Droite currently on her way to warehouse after leaving the Sakaki's residence. After breakfast, Yuya and others need to attends school and that little devil is on You Show with the kids. This is the perfect opportunity for her to meet Yuto and Ryoga.

When she entered the warehouse, Yuto and Ryoga are already waiting her.

"Where have you been last night? We were worried when you didn't answer our calls." Yuto said.

"I'm sorry. I turned off my Duel Disk because I was staying at acquaintances' house." Droite explained to the boys, much to their confusions.

"You already made acquaintances with people in this dimension?" Ryoga raised his eyebrow. "You sure is fast."

"Yeah. I was joined a duel school called You Show Duel School: the school that Yusho-sensei teaches in here. Apparently, he's a people from this dimension."

"He's from this dimension, you say?" Ryoga narrowed his eyes. "Then he's probably a spy from Standard that sent into Heartland."

"I find it highly unlikely." Droite cut him off. "Sakaki Yusho believe that dueling is should make everyone smiles in happiness. His chance for being a spy is slim since Standard Dimension is still an anomaly."

"Acting and pretending is exist, Droite." Ryoga argued. "Akaba Leo is from this dimension, which means Standard is affiliates with Academia and Sakaki Yusho is their spy."

"Yusho-sensei is not a spy, Ryoga." Droite argued back. "Standard is still anomaly for us. Yes, Akaba Leo was from here, but based on the information that I got from locals, Akaba Leo is 'dead' 8 years ago due to plane crash and Yusho-sensei 'vanished' 5 years ago. If Standard affiliates with Academia, then why he faked his death when he can gain a loyal soldiers by throwing propaganda like Utopia world and someshit similar?"

Ryoga made no comment about that.

"Just let her continue the story, Ryoga." Yuto told his octopus-haired friend.

"Fine." Ryoga grumbled.

"Thank you. Let's move on. On that school, I've meet two persons that look exactly like Yuto and Yuzu. Their name is Sakaki Yuya and Kurosaki Ruri."

This information made Ryoga and Yuto widened their eyes in shock.

"What did you say?!"

"A person who looked like me and Yuzu?!"

"Yes. This Yuto and Yuzu look alike also has a siblings: Sakaki Rina and Kurosaki Shun." Droite explained further. "They are a good person and I can tell they're a skilled duelists too. We can't waste this chance of powerful allies to oppose Academia."

"I still can't trust them." Ryoga insisted as he began to leave. "Do whatever you like with this 'allies' of yours. I will stick on my original plan."

Droite sighed. Ryoga really a pain in the ass. This is also why she didn't tell about that Academia spy. The last thing she needs is Ryoga brutally attacking innocent people.

"I'll watch him, Droite-san. If you found something important, please message us." Yuto said as he also leave following Ryoga.

"Hah...I can't imagine if I decide to not assist you here."

With that last word, Droite leave the warehouse and go on her way to You Show.

Timeskip - You Show Duel School

It is now at 4 P.M as Yuya was currently washing his face in the wash room with Sora, Futoshi and Tatsuya while Ruri and Rina were holding towels for them to dry.

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