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Hail pattered down on the windows echoing through the castle making it sound like bullets;however, Hope was not afraid as she scrambled to her destination

Her scales glistened in the moonlight as she flew down a hallway covered in tapestry and jewels, her claws clicking against the marble floor.

"Tonight is the night! I have to get there now!" she thought,

The guards made sure to move out

of the way and bow as their queen flew past.

She slid to a stop to admire the doors of the hatchery, they were covered in a massive carving of an egg painted gold, with stars and galaxies around it.

On the top of the door was a saying that many queens before her had created printed in gold "Peace is not to be kept, Peace can not be held, Peace is a privilege, not a right, Peace is earned by hope and kindness"

She slowly opened the doors carefully not to wake any dragonets. The hatchery was covered in moss and flowers, rock ledges and, trees. The walls were covered in gold and white. A bulb of soft light floated down towards her, the room reminded her of her childhood games she would play with her mother and other dragonets.

In the middle of the room was a white marble statue of Hope holding a golden egg with a look on her face as if to say "Touch my egg and you will die a very painful death"

Her face softened as she watched the dragonets bonding around and playing as the caretakers ran around trying to catch up.

The adorable dragonets looked like they didn't have a care in the world. They reminded her of her first dragonet Animo.

Animo had glittering white scales golden underbelly, silver wing tips, magenta eyes, and a gold tail tip.

Animo was amazing, and if Hope could have one wish in the whole world it wouldn't be power (She already had that), world peace (Animo could have created that), or anything else, it would be to see Animo one more time to say thank you for everything she gave to the world she was brought into.

She snapped back into reality as a young caretaker walked up to her,

"Is there anything you need my Queen?"

"Hm? Oh yes, I was hoping to see my egg." Hope answered, ensuring her posture was perfect, not a flaw in her stance.

"Of course my Queen," said the caretaker as she ushered the queen to a separate room.

The room was humid and dark and in the middle of the room lay pillows circling a large gold and white egg.

The egg had a huge crack down the middle

"WHERE ARE MY DAUGHTERS!" Hope demanded angrily as she whipped around to face the caretaker, her eyes flashing dangerously

"The-They were here a minute ago!" she cried, her eyes wide with fear Hope's eyes went wide, and her head whipped side to side, as Chimera raced into the room.

"What is it dear?" he asked, out of breath

"It's gone!" Hope burst out, tears streaming down her snout. Chimera wrapped his wings around Hope as she leaned into his shoulder and started to cry.

"Mommy?" asked two small voices. Hope's head shot up so fast she butted Chimera in the snout.

Hope looked around until she saw two small white dragonets sitting on a ledge looking down. Both of their faces were full of wonder as if thinking "Who is this lady dragon?" Hope's face filled with relief.

One of a Kind DragonWhere stories live. Discover now