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"Please calm down and don't take the law into your own hands, or you will get into trouble! Put down the revolver and surrender!" one senior police officer spoke to her in a calm manner while taking small steps toward her. He stopped, however, when Olivia put her finger on the trigger, threatening to shoot herself in response.

"Okay, okay, please calm down and tell us what you want," the officer asked her in a gentle voice, though there was a lot of anxiety in his mind. His gaze was fixed on the newly declared murderer's hand.

"Get out of my way," she repeated.

"Everyone, please step aside so she can leave. Don't try to act smart and stop her; I beg you all. Olivia, please promise me you won't run away and that you'll surrender yourself to us after doing whatever you need to do," the officer's plea was evident in his words. She just nodded in reply.

"What are you saying, officer? Are you out of your mind? You're encouraging a killer to escape from police custody!" Drake scolded him from afar, causing everyone to look at him.

Olivia took the chance and ran vigorously to get out of the court premises.

Drake yelled in anger, "Catch her, don't let her escape from here!"

The police officers and reporters started running after her to catch her.

All of a sudden, a black SUV crossed from Olivia's left side and halted in front of her. Immediately, someone opened the front door and she wasted no time getting inside. After closing the door, the car quickly sped off with the newly declared murderer toward their destination, accelerating to its maximum speed.

The police officers and the reporters got into their cars and started chasing that car, including Mili Johnson.


"Your arm is bleeding badly!" Olivia gasped, her expression full of concern.

"Don't think about me. After we pass the next signal, you'll see an ambulance that will drive alongside our car. When I slow down to reduce the gap between our vehicles, be ready to carefully jump into that ambulance. It will take you to your father. Once you're there, you can decide what you want to do next. My people will be there to help you, so don't worry," Martin remarked with a serious demeanor, his eyes focused on the road.

"What about you? You will definitely be punished for helping me escape." she asked him, her face showing a blend of concern and guilt.

"Stop thinking about me. I have a backup plan," he answered with a casual attitude. She simply nodded in response.

"Give me the revolver," he said, and Olivia handed him the gun without any hesitation.

"Now straighten your hands and don't move. I'm going to shoot your handcuffs."

Without wasting a second, Olivia raised her hands on the right side of the car door. Martin was about to shoot when another car collided with theirs, causing him to lose his balance. The revolver fell inside the car, and at the same time, Olivia's forehead hit the car window.

"Fuck!" Martin uttered in frustration and glanced at the side mirror. He saw another black SUV chasing their car and realized who had sent it to cause trouble in their way.

"Now who the hell is in this car? Have our enemies multiplied in just a few hours?" Olivia asked, her voice tinged with irritation and her mind racing for answers.

He asked her "Are you alright?" she responded with a nod.

"Yesterday, Drake Wilson's people kidnapped me and locked me in an abandoned factory. Today, I managed to escape by overpowering them. Since then, some of them have been chasing me. Hold on, I'm going to speed up," Martin said as he accelerated the car. This move allowed them to cross the signal at the right time, forcing their pursuers to stop at the signal against their will.

After crossing the signal, Olivia saw an ambulance start to move alongside their car, just as Martin had mentioned a few minutes earlier.

"Are you ready?" Martin asked.

"Yes!" Olivia replied with a great deal of confidence.

"Good luck," Martin said before slowing the car down. The ambulance followed suit. As the car doors opened, Olivia saw two boys inside wearing C.N hospital ward boy's uniforms, who had been waiting for her.

"Take care of yourself," Olivia said, jumping into the ambulance without waiting for a reply from Martin. The two boys caught her carefully and closed the door. The ambulance turned left onto the road while Martin drove straight, ensuring Olivia could reach her father safely without anyone easily catching her.

After getting into the ambulance, Olivia went to the back and saw a stretcher there.

"Please pour this blood on your head and face, so everyone thinks you were in a serious accident. Then lie down on this stretcher," one of them told her as he unlocked her handcuffs with duplicate keys.

She uttered a thoughtful "Hmm!" and did the same.

"How is my father?" she asked them in a whisper, her words trembling with fear of losing his father and hope of seeing him alive at the same time. But when they replied with pained gazes, Olivia's breath hitched at the thought of her father's peril.


Meanwhile, Martin's car was struck hard on the right side by his stalker's vehicle while he was driving over the BRN bridge. The impact caused his car to slam into the bridge barriers with a loud noise, then break through them and plunge into the river below. Without pausing to check if their target was alive, the stalkers continued on, driven by their own motives.

On the other hand, other cars suddenly stopped, causing some cars to collide and created a massive traffic jam on the BRN bridge.

Once again, Mili Jonson found herself as the main witness to another accident within twenty-four hours, an experience that was extremely shocking and unexpected for her.


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