Chapter 1: Summer Job

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 It was a normal day at Kukuroo mountain and of course tourists was there taking picture but, one person didn't came here to tour which was Kira Momirobara. Kira stared blankly a the Testing gate then turned to the guard. "Hey... yeah you... can you let me inside please?" softly asked Kira as she walked up towards Zebro with soft kind smile. Zebro looked at her and the shake his head no, "Sorry ma'am but, I can't let you." Said Zebro as he picked up his keys and put them in his pocket. Kira got annoyed "Just give me the Goddamn keys." Sternly said Kira as she just crossed her arms and glared at him like she was gonna kill him or something. Zebro sighed and handed her the keys, Kira went back to her kind smiled and did a slight bow and walked up to the door. " Thank you!... Sorry if I've  been rude but... I didn't want to be late for my first summer job." Softly said Kira as she was about to unlocked the door. Zebro froze "Hey umm by the way... what's your name?" Shakily asked Zebro as just remembered that someone was supposed to come here for a job. Kira smiled "My name is Kira Momirobara I was hired by Mr and Mrs. Zoldyck for babysitting their son and daughter." Cheerfully said Kira as she had already knew that the whole family are assassins and may die in the process. Zebro eyes widen not just the fact that she is working for the Zoldyck family but, also the fact that her family is the Momirobara mafia, "OH! Dear I'm so sorry I didn't know that YOU was the babysitter Ms.Momirobara!" Panicked Zebro as quickly bowed. Kira raised an eyebrow and smiled "It's be truthful I'm quite surprised that they decided to hire me." Softly said Kira as she gave the keys back to Zebro. Couple minutes later Kira opened 2 of the testing gates and walked in.

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