Chapter 3: First Impression

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5 minutes later after Kira was talking with Kikyo about her job and etc, Kira was walking down the hall to see Killua. As Kira was walking down the hall someone ran down the hall and took her switchblade. Kira froze then got very confused then chased after the person, as she was chasing the person she had bumped into someone and fell on top of them. It was Illumi, he was just laying there staring at the ceiling then looked at Kira, Kira fell face first into his chest. Kira was unconscious since she ran a bit too much today, Illumi sat up and picked up the glasses that fell off of Kira's face.

Illumi picked Kira up and threw her over his shoulder and carried her to the couch and laid her there. 15 minutes later Kira woke up with a bad head, it was worst since she didn't have her glasses on. "Oh geez what happened... and where are my glasses?" Tiredly asked Kira and she was trying to look around but failed miserably. "Are you looking for these?" Playfully asked Killua as he put on Kira's glasses then turned around and tripped. Illumi had already took the glasses before Killua tripped, "Here..." Calmly said Illumi as he handed the glasses to Kira. Kira took them and put them on, "Thank you I-" Kira froze as she looked up at Illumi. Kira turned away and had a slight blush either from embarrassment or something else.

"Your welcome..." softly said Illumi has he sorta sound interested in Kira. Kira awkwardly laughed " Ha! What a first impression!" Softly said Kira as scratched the back of her head. Illumi nodded and underneath he wanted to smile.

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