Face Claim: A/N

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The face claim of Ramona Prescott is Victoria Justice. If you don't like her as Ramona's face claim please feel free to use someone else, it really won't affect anything. I will not be changing the love interest because I already have the story planned out for the most part.

If anyone has any suggestions on the story feel free to let me know. I would appreciate it if there are no negative comments, however if you are voicing your opinion about one of the actual characters from the scream movies or the avengers that's fine because I'll admit it I'm not a huge fan of some of the people from the later scream movies.

Every vote and positive comment you guys leave will be very appreciated, the more votes and comments will make me try to update the book even quicker because I will know how much you guys like it.

I will not be pleased if someone steals my work, I have seen many books that are pretty much the same with names of different characters. Like a ton of HP x MCU and stuff are like the same word for word and while I like the books they never give credit to the original author so I'm not sure who came up with that idea. If anyone does use my book for inspiration that's fine but I would like to have some of the credit with it being based off of my idea.

And without further ado (I think I spelled that right) you may begin reading.

Reflection (Scream x The Avengers) WTMWhere stories live. Discover now