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Bold = Movie
Italics = Thoughts (Ramona's)
Regular = Reactions
'Oh my God, I need help. What should I do? Where should I go?' I think to myself as I'm trying to outrun ghostface. I am limping pretty badly, the right side of my face has blood on it, my shirt also has a ton of blood on it from where ghostface managed to stab me with his knife.

I recently just fell from a second story window at Stu Macher's house. I fell outside of the garage where I saw one of the most horrific sights. I saw Tatum Riley, one of my best friends caught in the car door of the garage, hanging since the garage door was open. I saw my sister Sidney laying not moving or breathing on the garage floor, with a puddle of blood around her, blood dripping from her mouth, her eyes open... I feel like I can't fucking breathe but I realized if I had stayed staring any longer I could die too and my best friends would not want that for me.

They would want me to fight until I couldn't, I have to avenge my friends even if it kills me. I managed to run to Dewey's police car and radio for some help but ghostface appears as I try to find the car keys, he holds them in front of the closed window and begins to unlock the car doors as I try to keep them locked.

I fail to notice that he pops the trunk and climbs in silently, he then starts to strangle me but I fight him off, he disappears from sight and I see a bright light before it clears up.

I take a look at my surroundings while holding my side where I was stabbed. I was in a cinema. 'Why in the hell am I in a fucking cinema? I was just running from a psycho killer who murdered a ton of my friends and now I don't know where the fuck I am. I could potentially bleed out in a few minutes.'

"RAMONA!!" I hear Gale, Randy, and Dewey all yell my name as I turn to face them.

I noticed a few other people in the room as well, I don't know them though.

"Hello, my name is Casey. Casey Becker." My mouth dropped open in disbelief along with Gale, Randy, and Dewey's. "Th-that's not fucking possible, you are dead, you were murdered a few days ago." I say still trembling from fear after the near death experience I just had.

"Yeah, but after what happened... look. I know it's hard to believe but I met a sorcerer not too long ago. He managed to contact me by accident, his name as some of you may know is Doctor Stephen Strange. I explained to him what happened and he looked into it and into the future. This never ends. There are many death experiences you face Ramona, that's why you are all here. Time has frozen so they are still out there. You need to watch the future so you know what you face."

"Hold up. You said 'them' as in more than one..." Dewey says still tense as he tries to make sense of everything. "There is more than one ghostface. The one you are facing right now, there's two of them. There are more in the future, people are trying to finish the job that was never finished. You need to prevent it because of you don't, more innocent people will die." Casey explained to us, it doesn't do anything to ease us.

"Now for introductions."

"I'm Tony Stark also known as Iron Man. Genius, Billionaire, Playboy,-." He introduces himself but is cut off by someone. "Stark, knock it off. My name is Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America." A read headed woman goes next "I'm Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow." "Clint Barton, Hawkeye."

"I'm Bruce Banner, the Hulk." "I'M THOR ODINSON, GOD OF THUNDER." A muscular man's voice boomed which made people jump, including myself. "Point Break, you don't have to talk so loud." Tony tells him as a younger boy steps forward, he looks to be about me and Randy's age maybe a little younger. "I'm Peter-man, I-I mean Peter Parker, Spider-Man." Before anyone from my group can introduce themselves Casey's voice can be heard again.

"This may be a bit of a shock but Peter, Ramona is your older sister by two years. You didn't grow up together because after your parents died, your Aunt Mary couldn't handle you both and her friends Maureen and Neil Prescott took Ramona in. May kept in contact with them and checked on them from time to time until Maureen's death."

I was in shock. I have a little brother. Oh my God. I could tell Peter was in shock too, he looked like he wanted to say something as he looked between me and Gale trying to determine which of us was his sister. Kind of offended I won't lie but I won't hold it against him.

I lean against Randy glancing down at my hand that was pressed against my side, it was now covered in blood, thankfully no one noticed but I'm starting to feel a bit lightheaded. "My name is Ramona Prescott." Peter's head snapped to me frowning a bit at the condition I was in. "Are you okay?"

I wince a little, "I think I'm losing a little too much blood." I say as I remove my hand from my wound and everyone's eyes widen. "SHIT, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" Randy and Dewey both asked in unison.

"What part? The part when I was stabbed by ghostface, the part where I fell out of a second story window trying to escape the killer, the part where I was almost strangled, or the part where I found Sidney and Tatum both dead which has me so fucked up right now?!" I asked them about to have a breakdown.

"Tatum and Sidney are dead?" Dewey asked in a small voice. "Yeah. I saw them when I fell from the window. They were in the garage." I tell him with my eyes filling up with unshed tears.

He cries a little as Gale attempts to console him and Randy is trying to keep it together for me. Casey appears and heals my wound somehow and helps clean up my face before she disappears again.

"My name is Deputy Dewey Riley." "My name is Randy Meeks." "I'm news reporter Gale Weathers." I then hear a voice, it's very soothing, very calming to me. "My name is Mark Kincaid, Detective in training." My heart flutters as I turn to face the direction it came from.

He's looking directly at me, his face showing concern and his eyes showing a mix of emotions that I can't decipher. 'Damn, he's hot.' He looks to be a few years older than me but not by much. As much as I want to eye fuck him and cuddle into him I realize it's not the best time, given the time and place.

"Okay now it's time to start. I'm sorry to say however that after these movies you are about to watch you will go back to where you were. Ramona in your case you will have to take down the ghostface killers, you have to kill them or they will harm everyone you are close to. In every ghostface killer you face, you are the final girl."

"Damnit, that's not what I wanted to hear." Randy comforts me while Mark looks like he wants to run over and hug me to give me some form of comfort but her doesn't. I can tell he's afraid he's overstepping if he does.

We all move to sit down, I'm sitting between Mark and Peter. Randy, Dewey, and Gale sitting on another couch, while the Avengers sit on a bigger couch behind us.

The screen lights up with a written warning that reads aloud "This contains serious gruesome and graphic injuries along with a few jump scares. If you have a weak stomach feel free to step away for a few moments." The screen goes dark again before the movie starts playing.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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