Hugo and Mama time.

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'Bye, mommy. See you when you get home.' Hugo waved to Karlie from his spot next to me at the front door. 

Karlie had to go away for work for a few days and it would be the first time I was left alone with Hugo for an extended period of time. I was nervous but also excited to spend some quality time with my favourite boy in the world. I had a lot of ideas of what we could do, but Hugo was seven and children were so unpredictable that even the most minor thing could change their mood which could ruin everyone's day in the blink of an eye. However, I had high hopes for us because Hugo was a perfect little angel and tantrums with him were nearly nonexistent. 

I felt a little hand slip into mine and I smiled. 'Come on, Mama. We have to go and feed the fishes and Raphael.' Hugo led me up to his room and over to the fish tank where we both proceeded to feed his fish and then his turtle. 

Once that was done, I told him to go and take a shower which he did without any complaints, while I went and got dressed for the day. I quickly showered myself and then put on the outfit I had chosen for the day before I made my way back to Hugo's room to check he was doing okay in the shower. 

He had just started wanting to shower by himself and while Karlie was fine with it, It made me anxious. He was still so tiny and I worried that he would somehow get hurt, which wasn't rational because there was absolutely nothing in his bathroom that could harm him. Still, I would always check on him. 

He came out of the bathroom ten minutes later, wrapped in his fluffy bathrobe that had his name embroidered on the chest. 'Oh, hi mama,' he said as he walked over to his closet to get his clothes for the day. 'I had a lovely shower. It was very relaxing and I washed my hair.' He turned to face me and scrutinised my outfit which consisted of a plaid dress, black tights and a pair of boots. 'I think we should match today,' he told me, causing me to chuckle as I watched him pull a plaid shirt and a pair of jeans out of his closet. He then took a pair of boots from the shoe rack and took a gold chain from his dresser. 'These will do, right mama?' 

'Yes, my angel, they will do very nicely,' I told him with a warm smile. He melted my heart so much. I was so lucky to have him in my life and I knew that I would do anything in power to make sure he had the best life I could give him. 'You get dressed and then we can go out for breakfast, okay?' 

Hugo smiled back at me. 'Okay, mama.' He threw his arms around my waist and hugged me. 'I love you all the world,' he said, looking up at me. 

I ran a gentle hand through his curly dark hair, 'I love you more, baby,' I told him, trying not to cry. 

For some reason whenever he added the words "all the world" it made me choke up. It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me and it made me feel special. He was a very affectionate child and he told everyone he loved them but it was only me he said that certain phrase too and that was everything to me. 

'You always say that mama,' he rolled his eyes playfully as he gave me a cheeky grin. 

I used my fingers to tickle his stomach. 'That's because I do love you more,' I told him as he broke into giggles. 'Now, hurry and get dressed so we can eat, or I might have to start taking bites out of you instead.' 

Hugo pushed my hand away. 'You're so silly mama,' He giggled again, 'Humans don't taste good.' 

'And how do you know? Have you eaten one?' I asked him with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. 

'No, but we have boogers and poop inside of us.' he made a disgusted face that made me laugh out loud. 'Those are gross. You don't wanna eat those, mama.' 

'You're right, those are gross,' I chuckled, 'Now get dressed so we can go and eat some real food.' 

I left his room and went downstairs to feed the cats. Benji was already meowing at his bowl while Merideth was on the counter clawing at the cupboard. Olivia was nowhere to be found and wouldn't come until she heard the sound of the food being put in her dish. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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