1 | frost

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pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader

content warnings: none

genre: fluff

plot: you and spencer go on a date to an ice rink.


Day after day you tried to hide your feelings for your fellow agent. It only seemed to get harder.

You started noticing many tiny details about him. How he licked his finger every few pages while reading, how he smiled awkwardly every time he was meeting someone new, how he blushed and how he pitched his voice when Derek teased him about something.

It was a late evening after a day of filling out papers at the office. You packed up your things and headed to the elevator, not noticing Spencer walking behind you.

So as the doors opened and he stepped in behind you, you jumped a little. "Oh! I didn't see you there."

He chuckled. "After 3 years in the field you still haven't gotten used to it, huh?"

You shook your head. "No, I haven't."

An uncomfortable silence followed.

"Hey Y/N..?", Spencer stuttered out.

You turned your head to him with raised eyebrows.

"I was thinking...would you like to...go out sometime?" You weren't sure if you heard him correctly. Your heart skipped a beat. "We could go ice skating? That's something that I've always wanted to try."

Your face lit up and your lips curled into a smile. "I'd love to." It took a lot to not just start squealing and jumping.

"Tomorrow? I'll pick you up at 5."

You saw his cheeks getting rosy.

"Yeah. Sounds good."

The elevator arrived on the first floor. You walked out and so did Spencer.
After saying your goodbyes, you parted ways.


With a pair of warm black flared leggings, a white turtleneck sweater and a yellow cardigan you completed your outfit for the date. You wanted something  that looked cute but was also good for ice skating. You grabbed your pair of skates, a beige beanie, and a black coat. Now you just had to wait for Spencer to ring at your doorbell.

And speaking of the devil, he did just as you finished getting ready.

You opened the door and there he was, wearing his signature outfit. A dressing shirt, a tie, and a cardigan. He topped it off with the purple scarf that you've seen so many times.

In his right hand he held a bouquet of pink roses and he handed it to you, awkwardly. "That's for you." He squeaked out. "You look really pretty."

Pretty boy was nervous, huh?

You took the flowers from him and put them in a vase before heading out.

"You know I've never been ice skating." He admitted.

"I bet you'll love it," you said enthusiastically, "I can teach you if you want."

He gladly accepted your offer.

Arriving at the ice rink, he paid for both your tickets and borrowed a pair of skates for himself. You walked into the changing room and put on the skates.

You left your shoes in a locker and then headed onto the ice.

Gracefully, you stepped on the frozen water and giggled as Spencer struggled with keeping balance.

He held onto the railing and watched as you made a round on your own to warm up. You were quite skilled, you did a Salchow spin, and finished off the round with a crossover spin in front of Spencer.

He clapped his hands. "Wow. That was...very beautiful." Your cheeks were flushed. "Thanks."

"Now, shall we continue with your ice skating lesson?" You proposed.

Spencer laughed and nodded.

Carefully, you took his hands and guided him away from the railing. You skated backwards in front of him as he tried to not fall down. "You're doing great! Just move your legs kind of to the side and then left..and right..and left..."

And then Spencer lost balance. Not only did he fall, but he pulled you down with him. You laughed as he kept apologizing. "I'm so so sorry."

"It's okay Spence."

Somehow he managed to get back up. You were in the middle of the rink and Spencer looked at you as if you were the only person with him there. As if it was a world of just him and you.

And then he kissed you.

His hands found your cheeks and he cupped them as his cold lips moved against yours.

You grinned like a little kid in a candy store once you pulled away. You breathed out and saw your breath in the air.

"I really like you, Y/N." Spencer admitted.

"I really like you too." You replied.

You rubbed your hands together as if you were trying to warm yourself up. "You must be freezing." He took his scarf off of his neck and wrapped it around yours.

"There. Looks better on you anyway."

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