Teaser Trailer

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Playing the video will make the trailer more interesting...just maybe not the whole song.


In a room filled with paper and musical notes, Lucy strums a guitar.

Lucy: Some people long for a life that is simple and planned...tied with a ribbon. Some people won't sail the sea cause their safer on land....to follow what's written. But "I'd" follow you too the "great" unknown. Off to a world we'd call "our" own...


Emmet: I promised you a life of magic and wonders.... (Emmet takes her hand. The two of them are outside in the backyard at their new house looking at the city below them.)

Lucy: I know you did...it's just hard for me to adjust to this new city that we made. (sighs) For years I loved this man for as long as I can remember...

(Flashbacks to the first Lego movie. Emmet's face is in awe as he sees Lucy at the construction site.)

Lucy Narrating: He's innocent, loves to help others, and he knows he belongs to wherever he wants to be... (The member of 6 hug Emmet in a group hug.) He saved our world because he knows he can get out into the world to do great big things.

Batman: (Pats Emmet on the shoulder) You're amazing bud.

(Back at the house, present time.)

Emmet: Really?

Lucy: (smiles at him sympathetically) Really. But...I'm worried...that throughout everything, you won't look out for yourself.

THEY ARE BACK -(Skip song to 2:09)

Lucy Narrating: Wherever we go, you have to promise me that nothing will keep us apart. (Emmet battling the villain.) Never forget that love, can solve everything...(Emmet hugs his parents.)and that we will always be together....forever. 

(Lucy is hugging Emmet tightly as they look out from their backyard again.) 

Lucy: You have to promise Emmet.

Emmet: (Lifts her chin.) I promise... (Black screen appears.)

Emmet Narrating: I've always thought my kindness was my strength,(Stretching out his hand towards the villain) but maybe it can be something more powerful. Maybe I can find out...

(Emmet slowly falling into the abyss, while the villain is grinning.)

Unikitty: Not everybody has a gift like you...you have to embrace yourself.

Emmet Narrating: When do I know I'm still special? (Emmet looks beaten up, with scars on his face, his shirt ripped.)

Lucy Narrating: You don't need everyone to love you..(Lucy looks at Emmet sad and betrayed face.)just a few, good people.

Villain: Do you really think you're worth anything?! (The villain chases Emmet, trying to kill him.)

Emmet: I know that I'm worth fighting for....(He says this and kicks the villain in the face.)

Lucy: Emmet you know I love you, more than anyone or anything....do you feel the same?

Emmet: I-...

(Lucy is back in a dark-dimmed light room, strumming her guitar.)

Lucy: With you, ooh, ooh, ooh...with you.

The Lego Movie 3: The Final Part

Coming Soon.

The Lego Movie 3: The Final Part- Teaser TrailerWhere stories live. Discover now