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The next morning, Matilda was awaken by the sound of Mattheo muttering to himself

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The next morning, Matilda was awaken by the sound of Mattheo muttering to himself.

"Shit, shit, shit," he whispered as he dragged his fingers through Matilda's ponytail.

She blinked open her eyes hesitantly. She sat up slowly, making Mattheo jump.

She looked around, clueless of where she was or how she got there. Quickly, memories of last night flooded back into her mind.

"Morning," Mattheo said, removing his hand from her hair, slowly.

Matilda furrowed her eyebrows as she sat up straight, her back against the bookcase. "Hey," she said quietly.

Matilda didn't know how she felt about this. After a couple of moments of silence, Matilda excused herself and left the library, leaving Mattheo alone.


The next day was Monday, Matilda was supposed to be tutoring Mattheo today, but she had gotten the cold, so she decided to postpone it until Tuesday.

She laid in bed all day, feeling like crap. A couple of her friends, Maxine, Rebecca and Tessa had come to check up on her.

She still hadn't spoken to Sonny since they had argued in the Great Hall. She also hadn't eaten since then.

The whole day went by pretty quickly as Matilda just slept through it. Later in the evening, she heard a knock at her door.

She sat up in bed and placed her book on her nightstand. "Come in," she responded.

The door flew open. It was Mattheo.

He had a bar of chocolate and a dinner plate in his hands. Matilda looked extremely shocked when he sat down the food on her bed.

"Mattheo?" She asked, picking up the plate of food, although she didn't have much of an appetite.

"Listen," Mattheo began, looking serious. He quickly closed her door and sat at the bottom of her bed. "Everyone is talking about us."

Matilda's eyes opened slightly, "Excuse me?"

"Pansy Parkinson has been spreading rumours about us," Mattheo said, cutting her off.

"Saying what?" Matilda asked, genuinely curious.

Mattheo took a deep breath. "She's saying we hooked up in a broom cupboard."

Matilda's hand flew to her mouth. After a couple of seconds of thinking, she remembered that Pansy had caught her coming out of the cupboard that day.

"Shit," she whispered.

Mattheo just stared at her, when suddenly Matilda gasped.

"What about Sonny?" She said, speaking to herself. Mattheo rolled his eyes.

Matilda practically rolled out of bed. "I have to go talk to him," she said, speaking to herself again.

"I'm sure he's fine," Mattheo said under his breath. Matilda ignored him and threw on her robe, on top of her pyjamas, her hand reached her door handle, before Mattheo stopped her.


She stopped and faced him. "What is it?" She asked.

"Go back to bed, I'll find Sonny later and tell him to come see you," Mattheo said, accepting defeat.

Matilda smiled at him, "Really? You would do that?" She asked as she pulled him in tight, giving him a hug.

Mattheo hesitated, but eventually wrapped his arms around her small figure.

"Okay enough you're going to make me sick too," he chuckled.

He pulled away and smiled down at her. "Eat," he reminded, looking at the food on her bed. Matilda nodded as she went back into her bed. Mattheo went to leave the room, but Matilda called on him again.

"Please find Sonny." Mattheo nodded and left. As he paced down the corridors, he heard people murmuring about him. He kept his head held high as he looked for Pansy.

His first instinct was to look in the Great Hall, so that's where he headed. The Great Hall was practically empty, no Pansy. He then decided to check the Astronomy tower.

It was getting dark outside, but not dark enough. Mattheo walked up the stairs to the Astronomy tower, when he heard people.

He thought it sounded like Pansy, so he stepped quietly up the rest of the stairs. He peaked round the corner and saw Pansy backed against a wall, making out with someone.

Mattheo scoffed, thinking about how much he hated Pansy, but then she muttered something.

"Sonny," she whispered, into the kiss.

That caught Mattheos attention. He took a closer look, and realised it was in fact Sonny.

Without thinking, he stormed up to the pair, grabbing Sonny's shoulders and pulled him off of Pansy. He scoffed before forcefully punching Sonny in the nose.

"Piece of shit," Mattheo whispered to himself as Sonny fell to the ground. Pansy found herself weeping in the corner.

"Same goes for you, filthy slut," Mattheo said as he turned around to face Pansy. "And Matilda didn't hook up with me."

Mattheo turned his attention back to Sonny, who was now standing, holding his nose.  Mattheo chuckled to himself, "fuck it," he said, before pouncing at Sonny, tackling him to the floor. He began punching him in the face while cursing aggressively.

Pansy left the Astronomy tower while sobbing, "Your crazy, Riddle!" She yelled.

𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐀 ,, 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜 Where stories live. Discover now