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superstar - jamelia  ✦°

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superstar - jamelia  ✦°

°✦'i don't know what it is that makes me feel like this'


the l/n household was just as quiet as it had always was. with her parents on holiday, y/n was left alone in her home. it wasnt sad, she preferred it that way, though she did love her parents. she felt it was her way of taking time for herself after the crazy year at hogwarts. being friends with harry potter meant she needed her rest. and of course, being her. she was quite well known in the wizarding world because of her parents, and like harry, couldn't catch a break. unusual abilities she possessed, haunted her, positively and negatively. y/n was a very pretty girl, especially at her age, being half siren.

a knock on her bedroom door paused her actions. 

"y/n, we're home, sweetheart." echoed the soothing tone of her mother's voice. she got off the bed, running to the door, opening it up and then hugging her mum, shooting a grin her dad's way.

m/n was an elegant woman, in her late thirties. she stood tall, though her actual height said different, her medium length hair straightened and laying down her back. f/n was a formal man, almost always well presented and calm. however, he argued with y/n more than she'd like which made her feel as though she could not connect with him. 

"i missed you mum, dad." y/n smiled up at them.

"we missed you too." f/n said softly.


later, at the dinner table, they were catching up, as they normally would on the first day back. 

"y/n we're going to have to go to diagon alley tomorrow for your books." says f/n.

"i can go by myself and stay there till school if its easier. hermione's gonna be there im pretty sure." the young girl offers, pushing a piece of hair out her face before taking a bite of food. 

"hm we'll see, i don't want you out with black out and about, he's dangerous" f/n frowns at m/n.

this doesn't go unnoticed by y/n but she simply chooses not to say anything, making a mental note to owl her mum about it once she's at hogwarts. they finish up and go to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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