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It was a normal morning for many students in Ackley Bridge however, today the famous Lottie Rae was coming back after a month exclusion. Lottie Rae was the most beautifulest girl in the year with long blonde hair and the deepest bluest eyes. Many boys would be lucky to have her but Riz Nawaz was the luckiest. Lotties time and devotion was fully towards Riz and his love for rugby they've been together since Lottie was in year 9 & Riz had just joined the school in year 10.

As Lottie rose out of bed she was joined by a familiar face sitting at the end of her bed. Her bestfriend  Evelyn Smith

"Lot!! We're running late" Evelyn screamed
Lottie let out a groan as finally rolling out of bed
"I'm up! I'm not exited for this.. Back to ackley bridge again!!!" Spoke the blonde
"Why did you even get excluded again?" Asked Evelyn

Lottie sighed as she was not about to explain this to her very slow friend , for the fifth time.

"Same old, Same old." She shrugged

Evelyn had helped herself to some jam on toast whilst Lottie continued to get ready she straightened her hair and applied mascara and lots of it she put on some lip gloss put her uniform on and grabbed her bag ready to start the day.

"Pose for the camera tramp" Evelyn demanded to her friend

They both pulled the same face Peace & Pout.

"I swear to christ if you post that i'm gonna beat ya" Evelyn laughed at her friends statement as they both knew Lottie couldn't touch her bestest friend

"Oh shut up. I'm your only friend your a billy no mates" Evelyn added whilst trying not to piss herself

Laughs filled the bedroom as they finally decided to make their way downstairs and head to school

As they walked out the front door there stood a beautiful brown boy with roses.

"For me?" Asked the blonde
"For meeeee?" Asked Evelyn

As Evelyn said that her sneaky link had appeared and her face turnt red.

Evelyn had been sleeping with Cory Wilson since last year, They swear it's nothing more nothing less but the way they stare at each other tells me otherwise and me and Riz both know it. We tried to get them together but it doesn't work because it's just Cory Wilson, you know? Nobody's good enough for my Evelyn.

*Moments Pass*

The four walked together to school catching Lottie up on what she had missed from school and Evelyn had promised her she'd help her in maths. Lottie was confident that she didn't need the help in science she's just that girl.

As the four walked into the school gate everyone went silent and stared at Lottie

"Got something to say or has someone just died?" Evelyn sternly said.

Chattering slowly began to fill the courtyard, Evelyn Smith scariest girl in the school if you looked at her or her bestfriend it was over for you, Evelyn had beat up most of the girls in her year and the year above and that's why Lottie Rae & Evelyn Smith are THAT duo.

The school bell rang for their first lesson

"Baby i'll see you at break. Love you" Riz said as kissing his beloved girlfriend

Cory didn't know what to do with himself he wanted to kiss Evelyn so bad right now but nobody knew about them apart from the 4.

"See ya around Ev" Cory said and gave her a hug

Lottie loved Riz so much that she hated him their story isn't quite finished, in fact it's only just got started.


Will Cory & Evelyn
become official

Why does Lottie hate riz?



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