The Former student of the Old Master Maul who fought his old rival and passed on into the force his student now a Sith Lord set his revenge against the Empire. But first the Phantom menace would have to return first against the Empire's best Inquisi...
Force user type: Sith (through not a truly evil with the dark side, he still has some light in him.)
Height: 6'11
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Former Master:
Old Master/ Darth Maul
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Darth Sauron Abilities:
Abilities: - Force Valor: Darth Sauron could use various different techniques to enhance his speed, reflexes, and strength.
- Telekinesis: Darth Sauron's preferred Force ability, his powers allow him to easily move objects with his mind and the wave of a hand.
- Force Push: Darth Sauron utilized Force Push to Force Push to send his opponents flying through the air, causing them serious injury or temporarily incapacitating them/knocked them unconscious.
- Force Pull: Darth Sauron utilized Force Pull to pull his opponents or objects towards him.
- Force Flight: Darth Sauron utilized Force Flight to levitate himself or to slow-down his fall to the ground.
- Katana throw: Darth Sauron utilized Katana Throw to telekinetically guide his lightsaber towards his opponent; similar to a boomerang or shuriken. Vader can also throw his Katana like a boomerang, where it spins like a buzz saw and chops up its victims before returning to the Dark Lord's hand.
- Force Sense: can use the Force to sense major events nearby ("small disturbances") or the presence of life forms nearby.
- Force Concealment: When the time for stealth arises, Darth Sauron can choose to hide his presence from all but the strongest Knight or Samurai nearby.
- Master Katana Duelist: 1. Jujitsu ( original Samurai fighting style ) 2. laijutsu ( a quick draw sword technique) And many more ( the many types of sword types styles techniques )