Chapter 2

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Takemichi was not, despite telling Takuya otherwise, going to drop the matter.

All of his friends had avoided his questions when he had inquired about their injuries, so he did what any reasonable and caring friend would do; stalk them. And though that might seem immoral, he firmly believes in his own self moral compass to guide him, no matter how twisted it may seem.

After school had ended, they had told them they had some business to take care of, Akkun and Takuya's reasons actually being plausible whilst the other two... not so much.

They had let him be after that, somehow completely ignorant of him walking a few paces behind them, a dark hooded figure trudging behind them suspiciously. Truthfully, it was concerning how oblivious they were of their surroundings while heading to a fight ring, even if it was run by a bunch of teenage delinquents.

He glanced back up to his right, his eyes focusing on Sendo.

Although he was the one who abandoned his friends from Mizo Middle all those years ago, he couldn't help but feel a strange feeling of wistfulness. Sure he had friends in his line of work during the first timeline, and as messed up as they were —like he was one to talk— it was still a strong, yet strange, bond they had; But he still, occasionally whenever he reminisced, missed them, though he would have never admit it to himself or anybody else for that matter. Takemichi had left that old life behind him, along with everyone he knew in Tokyo, including his own mother as he followed his sister to stay by her side, and not once has he regretted it.

On one specific occasion though he had wondered how they could've ended up if it was the other way around; if it was his sister that left her own life to live with their mother in Tokyo. Would they have lived a peaceful life? Could she have lived just like any other normal Japanese girl? To go to school, make friends, and get into some mischievous trouble and do stupid shit like that. Had he asked her to, she would have done it in a heartbeat, not buts or nothing if he was the one that asked, but he couldn't. There were things she wanted to accomplish not only for his sake, but for the sake of what she cared for. He couldn't be as selfish enough to ask her to leave all that knowing that she would comply. Of course, even if she did try to live a normal life there with him, it wouldn't happen. And she knows that too.

It was a stupid thought to begin with, but he couldn't help but wonder; after all, life was one big 'what if?'. How one decision affected the course of one's life was truly astounding coming from his perspective...

Hm? The blond fixed his gaze on the group as he followed his friends to a makeshift arena dozens of teenagers had made, all faced towards the center. How none of this was actually reported to the authorities astounded him. In all his lives only once has he ever met an actual respectable cop, and like they, the good ones never last.

He chuckled to himself quietly as he came closer. There in the middle of it all, was a stout third year announcing the next fight. His face had some slight perspiration due to the humidity, his beady eyes scanning through the crowd as he spoke.

The blond tuned out the first bits of what the lumpish teen had said, finding the whole ordeal to be milked for more than it's worth before he perked up at a familiar name.

"...and from Mizo Middle School, we have Yamamoto!"

Both cheers and threats erupted as the flimsy sand haired blond plodded up in front of his opponent, his friends looking at the scene in front of them with heavy hearts. Takuya had always had a frail body, one which was very much anemic and susceptible to quite a few diseases when he was younger, causing his mother to continuously fret about him whenever he felt lightheaded or didn't eat enough. But it was thanks to his frequent hospital visits that Takemichi was able to meet him in the first place.

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