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oh snail

climb mount fuji

but slowly... slowly!

"O snail" by kobayashi issa


"you're late" his voice sighed in slight annoyance. A sound of exasperation filled the air as he opened his door.

thin dark brows furrowed , his scowling lips having some evidence of a pout.

the warm cup holder in your hands tried to free itself since you froze as the door opened to him standing there.

your grip tightened anxiously.

often, when we're younger, we worry about what we will be.

if it's possible to be an astronaut, a scientist and also be a vetenarian all by 23; while traveling the world every week of course.

or if we'll be married in the grandest palace like an oligarch and or at a getaway destination like Greece.

at that time, standing so small, the vast limit of the sky seemed much more attainable.

that was a funny statement in itself.

yet at 23, the only thing you could fathom worrying about was :

"did he ask for regular or decaf?"

which one was it?

your eyes briefly met his narrow dark eyes, even more angular with frustration then you glanced away as you made your way inside. walking by him timidly.

which one was it ?

"Yes, I got it fushiguro-san" you offered a nervous laugh as he shut the door he held for you and you thanked him meekly a few times.

though he chose not to respond and walked to the couch in his office. your eyes moved from the jacket he wore today laid as a pool of fabric in a corner as he sat on the couch, loosening his tie and kicking his legs up on the table.

"and traffic?" his index finger hooked into the heart of his tie.

"nothing worth writing home about. Although it took longer to find a cab that wasn't occupied. But don't worry, I made sure to reheat it in the break room before I came up"

calling in for a sick day, Mai had tasked you with her usual errand of getting coffee for the director. the new director... that had asked you for a cup of coffee without any specifics at all.

well, other than the address of the cafe.

Mr. Toji wasn't fond of the office's coffee although the coffee beans were premium imports. He preferred his coffee from a small cafe in the heart of downtown.

you left to grab it in your lunch hour before you thought to ask what he wanted since you felt too awkward being alone too long with him.

he was a guy much larger than you, with a resting cruel expression that would make a skunk shit itself.

now you stood there shuffling your weight on your heeled legs as you stared at both of the cups.

did he want regular or decaf ? which one was it?

a hot beverage or cold? Which one was it?

"you should set it down before it burns your hands, instead of squirming like a worm" he sighed and scrolled through his phone as it chimed with notifications from what sounded like telegram.

his scarred lips pulled up in a scowl.

was he scowling at me or at the phone?

which one is it ?

you set the holder down, fushiguro glanced from his phone to the holder then to you with a inquisitive brow raise.

"isn't this one drink too many? Or is one of them yours?"

your palms prickled with sweat and your hand rose to twirl a tendril against the back of your head.

I hate coffee.

"one's mine."

"Ok. Sit then, you're already here"


you say politely, a light frown on your lips as you stared at the cups.

"I made sure to let them know to mark the decaf different from the caffeinated one"

"...so? which is mine? I'm getting impatient " Mr. Fushiguro rested his phone on his lap to observe you more since you sat beside him.

which is it?

every atom of your body seemed to resonate just from being close to the dark haired man and your hairs stood on edge.

"Sorry. I must be stalling since I'm excited to see what it is you like so much about their coffee" you nervously laughed as you took up the regular coffee and held it for a while.


It's better for him to get decaf since that is the safer of the two.

Toji's much larger hands picked up the medium sized cup and you watched him nervously as he brought it to his lips.



but before he took a sip he eyed you wearily as he spoke "y/n"

a shudder ran up your spine.

"if you're trying to poison me, you'll only be disappointed" your skin felt hot as blood rose to the surface as he then went ahead to turn the hot cup to his head and drink most of it.

"I'm not trying to poison you" you excused yourself then made a face as you too tried to drink some of caffeinated version that you had.

a minute later you excused yourself to his bathroom to wash out your mouth since the taste made you feel nauseous.

that's when you came back to your very empty cup, though you knew for a fact you only took a sip.

you'd be stuck in an and less loop of confusion hadn't you seen him just as he set the cup down.

and his tactless excuse?

"i wanted them both after all, im leaving so you can head back to your floor" Toji shrugged though as he walked you to the door, a much less vengeful expression settled on his face when he realized how relieved you became.

how your slight smile was evident from sideways and how your mannerisms seemed less forced.

he almost seemed docile.

he wondered was it because you didn't have to drink the coffee?

or because you didn't have to spend the rest of your lunch break with him?


which was it

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