Chapter Thirteen ☆

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"I grew afraid and went inside my head"


Opening her bedroom door, Wanda couldn't help her wide smile. Nyxa's hair was damp, beginning to show the lightest curl as it air-dried. She was wearing long pajama pants and an old S.H.I.E.L.D t-shirt.

The woman raised two bags of popcorn and a few other items of food in greeting, Wanda taking a few to lighten the load.
"What are we watching?" Nyxa asked as she entered.

There were moments like this, where Wanda could read her better. She seemed unguarded, carefree. Not weighed down and so serious. Even her posture- always so straight and intimidating-- relaxed. An unconscious action.

"A few of my favourite sitcoms. Have you got any on your planet?"

"Never even heard of them."

This was another thing in their relationship, a development that had come after a month or so of being here together- Nyxa spoke about her planet and some of the people there, her job and the guys she worked with.

"We're fixing that."

Wanda watched as the ex-Chief collapsed onto her bed unceremoniously, something so out of her stoic character. Wanda loved those moments, the ones where they both just relaxed with one another.

She gazed at the picture of her family from when she and Pietro were little, another picture of the two of them lying beside it. God, she missed him. So much it was still unbearable.
Being here though, in this compound with people who had the potential to feel like a family, it was healing. Nyxa more than everyone.

"Steven and Natasha are still wound up about Rumlow, his appearances are becoming more frequent," Nyxa murmered, looking at the ceiling absently.

Breaking out of the memories of her family and brother, Wanda frowned as she refocused. "Do you think we'll ever get to him?"

Nyxa was making weird shadow animals on the ceiling which was basically cheating as she could make any image with her hand and just manipulate the shadows to project whatever she wanted them to. Not fair in any way possible.

"We'll all meet at some point... everything always comes to a head eventually. There's nothing that can stop that. If we get to him? I don't know. But we'll all get to each other."

Times like these reminded Wanda of just how experienced Nyxa was in these types of situations. Even just in life.
She herself had lost years of her life, first to hate and protesting and then to HYDRA. She often felt like she'd missed out on so much because of it. It was an insecurity she'd never voiced before.
"Have you ever met him? Rumlow."

"Once or twice... when S.H.I.E.L.D was found to basically be HYDRA, it was still early days for me. I had Hill as my S.O and we were obviously working towards getting me seriously started, but there were also a lot of bumps to get over- like my unorthodox past and-"

"Being from another planet is considered unorthodox?" Wanda teased and saw a grin form.

"Apparently so. Who would've thought?"

"Who indeed." Wanda joined Nyxa on the bed, smiling at the teasing conversation. She felt that warmth in her chest grow at her nearness to Nyxa and the way she could smell her soap and products from here.

She adjusted her brown hair, taking it out to retie it when Nyxa spoke up.
"You want me to do something with it?"

"What?" Wanda looked up to see her indicating her hair. She swallowed, feeling nervous now at the thought of Nyxa anywhere near her, touching her in even the most mundane ways. "Thanks."

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