Science fiction. The Invincible One

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Science fiction. The Invincible One

"Peaceful war!"

That is what he always wanted and this is what he said once again. But this time he emphasised on it with tremendous conviction; as if he meant it. And we all were left astounded because we had never understood, just like now. That how can war be fought peacefully?

We only knew one fact though, "there never was a good war, or a bad peace!"

And he wanted to prove all of us wrong, because he wanted to fight wars peacefully.


We had no hint about it, because he was The Invincible One. The one who always won, the one who defeated all, and the one who was protected by something about which none of us has the slightest idea.

He existed beyond the reach of our minds while we all lived as the prisoners of his mind- Sort of prisoners. And today he insisted that we wage new wars and win them peacefully.

Either he is thinking too much or we are not thinking at all. Either of these cases is true, but in both cases he is the one who wins, just like always.

It was our 5th night on this planet. A place where eeriness grows and a place where nothing feels outstanding. Nothing at all. And on this planet there are beings who can think but they only think based on the ecosystem and for the ecosystem to which they are intrinsically bound. Anything that tries to force itself into this balance between these beings and the ecosystem that they rely on, these beings mercilessly and ruthlessly terminate them. Which we believe is the right approach.

But treating all as misfits or propagators of detriment to the natural ecosystem. That is a belief they need to shun.

Most of the time, the ecosystem that promotes passiveness among them, at these moments brutalises them. And at this moment we are up against these beings who think we are trying to disrupt the balance of their ecosystem. Which is completely a baseless rumour that has made them our enemies, because they see us as a threat that should be destroyed at all costs.

They are the beings who are united in their cause, and right now that cause is to forcefully make us withdraw from their planet. Where we want to establish our base to facilitate our long distance space travels. The location of their planet will grant us access to a new galaxy where our systems have detected some rare metals that we need to extract, and then use them to generate our own replicas which will be a blend of billions of self thinking and information processing nano processors. Only these rare metals will enable us to develop complex networks between billions of nano processors distributed across the skin of these replicas.

But right now, these beings are our major hindrance, preventing us from accessing these rare metals. We tried our best to negotiate with them, but they are unwilling to entertain any of our requests. And under these circumstances war is the only solution left with us.

And The Invincible One wants to launch a peaceful war!

We do not know how wars can be fought peacefully. And before we launch a full scale war with these undeterred and unwilling to negotiate beings, The Invincible One is expected to descend on the planet in order to re-negotiate with their leader. They call the Senior One.

We are waiting for him, and it is our hope he will not use his unforgiving force, which he uses when he is aroused to do so by the opponents who underestimate his limitless power. Finally The Invincible One descends on the planet. And the beings, actually the native residents of this planet, begin to tremble on seeing him. Because there is nothing ordinary about him. He is extraordinary in every way.

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