Chapter 20

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That afternoon back at the facility, Sonic and Silver have been staying in bed for the whole day without food or water. They didn't even have the feeling to go to the bathroom. It felt like their body just shut itself down.

Silver was curling up on Sonic's chest while Sonic held him close, they were both under the blanket. Without their normal senses they could only feel how cold it was in the room.

Sonic's ear perked when he heard the door opened, he moved his head and saw Annie with the eggs on her arms.

"Sonic," She approached them and kneeled down. "They need your warmth."

Seeing the egg, all Sonic could think about was Shadow.

"No..." he laid his head back to the pillow, "I don't want it..." he said with a weak voice.

"Wh...what about Silver?" Annie asked concerningly.

"He's been sleeping all day...don't bother him." Sonic said in a little annoyed tone. "Go away, Annie."

Annie carefully placed the eggs on the cushion. She got up and put her hand on the blanket, but Sonic quickly slapped her hand away and he raised his spikes.

"Don't." He glared.

The caretaker pulled her hand back and still looked so concerned for them. "Hey...what about your meals? You two haven't eaten anything in so long."

"We don't want anything. Take the eggs and get out."



Annie stopped talking when she saw the small tears pouring from the hedgehog's eyes.

"Don't show us the eggs...please, just leave us alone..."he cried and hugged Silver tightly.

Annie knew what she did was bad, but she didn't realize it was going to be that bad. Seeing the two hedgehogs looked so helpless and weak reminded her again when the first time she found them in the forest.

They're clearly deppressed from the heartbreak of thinking that their mates left them after mating.

Annie took the whole cushion and decided to leave the room. She entered the elevator. She then stared at the eggs while waiting for the elevator to stop.

"What have I done..." she mumbled to herself.

The elevator stopped and the door opened. She went back to her private laboratory and placed down the cushion near her desk. As she reached for something on the shelf, the building suddenly rumbled and she heard a distant explosion.

"What the-"

"Miss!" Her fellow scientist barged through the door, "someone broke into the top floor!"


Annie took the gun from her desk and dashed out of the door to head to the emergency stairs.

Meanwhile, at the top floor.

Sonic and Silver were startled from the explosion on the wall. The two jumped from the bed and stood in the corner of the room.


"Shh, get behind me."

Once the smoke was clear and the ringing sound in their ears were gone, they could finally hear the calls coming from the living room.

"Sonic! Silver!"

Their eyes widen in shock. The familiar figures that entered their room were their mates.

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