4~ Trauma

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Author's Pov,

"Aww, My baby come to Dadi," Shailaja said and pulled her grandson into her embrace.

Ayaan tried to come out of her hold and glanced at his Nani who just assured him with her eyes.

"I am your grandmother Ayaan why are you getting scared child?"

Her heart dropped seeing his fearful eyes, he was her grandson, her only son's blood and she could not even keep him with herself.

If Ardhansh and Yashika were still together she wouldn't have to see this day, when her grandson is scared to come into her embrace.

Ayaan moved out of her embrace and ran towards his Nani, who was sitting on Sofa.

He jumped on her lap and hid his face in her chest.

Yaksha caressed his soft hair and asked him while looking apologetically at her friend, "Aayu, Is there any problem baccha she is Dadi don't you want to talk to her."

He shook his head making Shailaja's heart clutch in pain, she suppressed her pain and got up before keeping her gift on the tea table.

"Rishabh and Boo (Aunt) were missing you, Rishu said he would come to meet you after his exams...I am...leaving," She stuttered at the end not having enough words to say.

Ayaan peeked out of his Nani's pallu and glanced at her sad face, he felt bad after seeing her teary orbs, he noticed she was going and said.

"Dadi, Cake khake jao na."

(Dadi, go after cake cutting)

Her heart fluttered hearing his baby voice and she turned towards him who again tightly held his Nani's waist and hid his face in her embrace.

Yaksha stared at her painful eyes and said seeing her eyes getting dull.

"Wait for some time."

Shailaja shook her head with disappointment and without any further words stormed out of the house.

"Why didn't you talk with her baby? She loves you...she every Sunday comes to meet you, and brings you gifts this is so wrong baby."

"Dadda, Mumma, never comes to visit me don't they love me?"

His question shocked her to the core and tears gathered in her eyes.

She wanted to tell him, that his mother loves him, she does, and her daughter isn't selfish but circumstances made her leave him behind.

"Aayu!!!!" Sagar and Vrishank came running inside and called their friend.

Ayaan whose mood was ruined lightened a little, and he quickly got down off his grandmother's lap.

Jui also came barking with them making Vrishank hide between his father's legs.

"Hey Vrish Come out," Vansh said laughing hard seeing Yagya too stumbling back and forth with fear.

"Leave it Vansh let his son trouble him, he truly needs it, Bap bete ek jaise hi hai," Vishakha muttered near Vansh's ear making him shut his mouth.

(Father and son are same)

"Vishakha keep that Jui away," Yagya screamed and lifted his son in his arms.

Vishakha laughed and pulled Jui away.

"Let's cut the cake," Vaibhavi chirped keeping the box of handmade cake on the tea table and pulled Aayu on her lap.

Yaksha smiled seeing Ayaan's beaming face and glanced at the clock,

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