break the misunderstanding or create a new one

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Here high school love simply just refers to the fresh and pure form of love that one can experience, even if Hech did not know Whahe ,him giving her importance or being around her made her feel special she as this was a first time her experiencing this. She also wanted to discuss this with her newly made friend , I mean which girl would not!. Although Hech really did not plan on telling her friend all this directly.

(the morning where Hech is ready to tell her friend)

Hech in her mind: How should I ask my friend about that weird guy.....okay I'll tell her that I was reading some book and came across this story maybe she'll have a better answer.

Hech : Hai, Good morning ,so we do have some time left before the class starts lets go outside and talk ,I need to ask you something.

Friend : yeah come on, I found out about the new couple. 

Her friend unknowingly cuts her off

Hech : Oh them ,the girl ,she really pretty what about the guy ,is he from our class?

Friend : No... both from the classroom in front of us. His name...... something called Wei.

Hech : What a weird name, have you seen him yet?

As they were speaking, Whahe with his friends enters the class and sees Hech standing near the veranda even she notices him and remains silent but he literally does not stop staring at her  suddenly her friend whispered something.

Friend : Hey do you see that guy staring at us...?

Hech : What! Who... No.... he must be looking somewhere else 

Hech really panicked 

Hech in her mind :why is this guy doing this now everyone will have a doubt on him ,why is he staring at me have I done something to him or what else or is he staring at  someone else?

Friend : Hey! Hech  do you see him???

Hech : yes ,I saw him what happened ?How do you know him? Who's he? What did he do?

Friend : He is the one ,he is Wei ,their pair is really cute don't you think ? 

Hech : yeah yeah ,are you sure its the one who was staring this side?

For  a minute Hech was really scared that her friend found out about Whahe, next minute her friend confirms Hech about Wei (whom we called Whahe) and the girl from his class as a new couple and after that they move in to the class,the classes about to start,here our girl Hech is so confused that  she could not understand anything. She thought, was all the sitting beside her every week was a miss understanding ,she was really ashamed of herself for thinking like that.

Hech : Was I a fool to think that a guy who is so handsome would fall for me and his girlfriend... she is really pretty!

From Hech point of view ,a guy whom she  always sees with her own eyes ,trying to get a place in a line exactly next to her along with his friends helping him do so,anyone would have understood that somethings wrong and just like that when she was confused and thinking about his actions the bell rang and it was the break time.. she did not feel like going outside as she experienced some staring from Whahe and his 2 friends during break times before and also she was sad about after Whahe's  news. 

Hech was just completing some pending work ,as she sat by the window in her class, she felt someone leaning towards the window and she knows its a boy because she can hear him speak. Hech has her eyes on the book, ears listening to what the guy is saying and she figures out it has nothing to do with her because he was speaking to one of her classmates but he was asking some lame questions so she turn towards him and now she is shocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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