🍋 Chapter 22: The orc who discovered the wheel

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3rd POV

Since the morning after finishing breakfast, Vivian and her cubs had gone outside to play. While playing with her cubs, they ventured deeper into the forest, not noticing how far they were from their home.

As the mother and cubs left, a spider orc observed them departing and decided to follow.


For a couple of minutes, her five playful cubs came to a halt, realizing their new surroundings. With big eyes, they looked around and saw many birds chirping. After a moment of observation, they finally spotted their mother nearby.

"What?" Vivian questioned.

Her face displayed utter confusion, mirroring the expressions of her cubs who had just arrived. The cubs sat down behind their mother, tilting their heads. All five cubs looked at an unfamiliar orc talking to their mother.

Earlier, Vivian, who was following her cubs from behind, encountered a male orc passing by. She discovered that the male orc was some sort of bird beastman, evident from the colorful feathery wings behind his back.

The moment the orc talked to her, Vivian became wary of him. She didn't know the meaning behind his chattering words. She sensed that from the look on his face, he had some hidden intention.

The orc had brownish-blonde hair, and his head appeared as if he had been in a fight, with blood dripping down. His clothing was covered in dirt. The most peculiar thing about him was his green eyes that flickered crazily, giving the impression that he was a bit crazy. 

Vivian's eyebrows raised as the orc approached. She was prepared to unleash a blast from the back of her hand if he engaged in any suspicious behavior. Much to her surprise, when the orc seemed about to produce something threatening, it turned out to be a round rock in his hands.

The strange rock in his hands looked as if it wasn't natural. There were no sharp edges but it was smooth and shaped in a curve, resembling a round wheel.

"A wheel?" Vivian questioned.

"Yes!" he said.

The orc nodded and then proceeded to elaborate on his creation. Vivian and her cubs stood there, aimlessly bored, their minds worn out from hearing his lengthy story. Vivian could see the orc's chest puffing up with pride at what he had created, which turned out to be a stone wheel.

She guessed that since this is the beastworld the society here would not be that advanced.

They could have left, and that's exactly what they did, but the orc holding the stone continued to follow them. Even though Vivian had known of the wheel and what it was used for. The bird orc kept blabbering on as if he were a genius.

"Once I went to the pond and-"

The bird orc continued to chatter on about his story, explaining how he accidentally made a new discovery. He believed that showcasing his invention to this female might impress her, considering he saw himself as strong and intelligent. When the orc asked for her name, she declined, not wanting to give her name to him.

All Vivian wanted was to go back home with her cubs. She didn't want to be near this orc ever again; he was too bothersome to handle. She didn't like how he kept giving glares at her cubs.

Vivian held three of her cubs in her arms, with the other two walking beside her. They began to walk faster as they noticed the same crazy orc following them. The orc kept holding up his invention to her while yelling to stay.

Vivian could only look forward and instruct her two cubs walking beside her to avoid him.

"Leave us alone" Vivian said, attempting to shoo him away but the crazy orc ended up following them further.

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