Almost Christmas (Chapter 1)

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Seungmin's POV

The alarm clock has rang. I woke up and turned off my alarm. Oh god I just want to go back to sleep.. I sighed and sat on the bed. After a few minutes, i got up and went to get dressed. Since it's cold outside, I picked a white-red-black sweatshirt and black sweatpants. I then brushed my teeth and went to get my shoes. Oh.. Didn't i told you? I'm going to a shopping mall. I put on my shoes and grabbed my phone. I then leaved the house and started to go to the shopping mall. It was snowing so hard.. I swear if theres gonna be a single-

''Excuse me?'' Here we go.. I stopped and turned my head to see an old woman who was holding santa's hat. ''Would you like to donate-'' I didn't let her finish and i just walked away. Gosh I hate the time when it's almost Christmas. I then again started to walk to the shopping mall. 

Time skip !!

(In the shopping mall)

Seungmin's POV

As soon as i entered the shopping mall, i regreted it. I saw all the places being decorated with Christmas decorations. I smelled gingerbread and the smell of Christmas.. It reminded me of my parents.. Tears started to form in my eyes but I ignored it and went to one of the store just to regret it even more that I came to the mall. I saw tons of Christmas related things. And Christmas songs.. Gosh how I hate them !! They sound so pathetic !! I just sighed and entered the store I was heading to. I was looking at the other things trying to ignore the Christmas related things and songs. But I just couldn't. It made me so fucking mad that it was almost the time of the year: Christmas. 

When I finally bought the things I needed, I immediately left the store I was in. I could feel the way my face began to look more and more angrier than before. But.. I suddenly felt like someone was looking at me and.. Following me? I wanted to ignore the feeling but I just couldn't for some reason. I decided I should turn my head back and see if anyone actually was folllowing me. I then did what I thought in my mind and.. Was I actually right?.. I saw a boy who had black and fluffy hair, dark brown beautiful eyes that were a bit sparkly. He had a grey hoodie and black sweatpants and he kinda reminded me of.. A fox? I mean.. At least he looked like that for me. It's just my opinion though. But I was.. Just confused. Was he following me or just going the same direction as me? It didn't felt right to accuse this boy to be actually following me or something so I just brushed it off my mind and turned my head to the direction I was going to, the exit.

But.. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I stopped walking and looked at the person. Wait.. It's the boy who I was accusing of following me. My face immediately turned into a confused one.

''Hm..'' I said quietly to the boy while waiting for him to say something. 

I'm actually too lazy to write something else now so yeah 💀Sorry for that and SORRY for being unactive for so so long but I'm so freaking busy these days yk !! Anyway, how do you like my book ? :D 

Thanks for reading this book !

Next chapter out soon !

Words : 592

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2024 ⏰

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