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Leah-Anne's POV

What if I really wasn't meant to be happy?
I was numb.
I didn't know how to react.
I wasn't crying, I wasn't angry, I just laid there, bruised trying not to open my eyes as I heard everything going on around me. Whenever I said life had something against me, people thought I was just joking or I was just hurt and holding onto my past trauma.
But here I was, experiencing yet another all over again.

We were literally just watching movies last night. How was I going to unadjust to what didn't even start?.
It was all perfect, how in the whole world was I going to move on?.

The heart beeping machine began to beep louder and I instantly shot my eyes to the bright light around me. " Leah" I heard Jennifer call out faintly. My heart basically wanted to explode. " Where is Kyle?" I snapped and made sure she was staring into my eyes. " Leah,.."

" No" I yelled. " Kyle is not dead, I just went to get us boba" I yelled again. I couldn't accept this. There was no way I was ever going to be okay. " Where is Kyle?, he's not dead" I yelled again. " Leah please"

" Jennifer Kyle is not dead, I can not accept it. Where is he?" I yelled even louder at her. " you need to calm.." I pushed her away from me before she could even finish her statement. I pulled out the cannula on my vein and threw it away, hurriedly getting down from the bed.

I left him smiling at me in the car. That couldn't be the las time I'd see him. It couldn't be. " Leah" Jennifer called out to me as I tried to find my way out of the hospital. Two male bodies tried to hold me back but I learned self defense for a reason. " Leah stop please" Jennifer said as she held onto my waist tight and rested her head on my back. " He's gone, there's nothing we can do" she sobbed and I paused as I let it sink in.

I was only starting to picture a world with him by my side and now, it's been taken away. I broke down to my knees as I let the tears flee my eyes. When did it all start that it had to end in this manner?.
What did I do to deserve things like this happening to me?

" It's going to be okay Leah" Jennifer cried as she rested me on her chest, embracing me in a hug. " It's not going to be okay Jennifer, you know it's not. This is bad, it's very bad. Why do things like this happen to me?"

" shh, it's okay" She was sobbing slightly as she rubbed my back. " it's really not going to be okay" I responded and let all the tears I had in me pour out.

I never wanted to say goodbye to Kyle, I was never going to be okay with it. I was going to be all alone again. Crazy to accept, but with him leaving me behind, he took the best of my heart. The rest are in shambles with no repair in sight. I really wasn't going to be able to move on from this. " We'll be fine Leah" Jennifer said and the clicking of red heels that stoped right in front of where I and Jennifer sat on the bare hospital floor made my heart almost burst with anger.

Gently, I lifted my head up and found Mrs J Austen right in-front of us, she was not alone. There were police men behind her. " Good day Miss Leah-Anne Adams" The police man started and I knew already where this was headed. " this is she" Jennifer answered on my behalf. " I did not cause the explosion" I whispered. " You are under arrest as a suspect for the murder of Mr Kyle J. Austen" she framed me.
I needed to hear it.

Kyle's death was unquestionably her doing. " you have the audacity to frame me for killing your own son?" I said calmly, but the fury laced in my voice was clear. She wasn't crying, she didn't look remorseful, she was staring at me emotionlessly. " how can a mother lose her son and not be broken but here she is trying to frame someone else for her treacherous acts" I snapped, now shifting my gaze to the police men around her. " officer, there must be some sort of misunderstanding. Leah was the last person he was with when they both were on their way to...." Jennifer started but Kyle's mother instantly intervened. " do not listen to them. My son is my world and it pains me dearly to see that he had to die in bitter hands. In the hands of people who claimed to love him. Justice needs to be served and I will make sure it is" she said and the fake tears started to pour.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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