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Sadie Leone sat down at one of the tables at the cafè in London in which she was supposed to meet Lando Norris for the first time.
She was the first to show up, and as minutes passed, anxiety grew inside her body. What if he stood her up?
But soon enough a light feeling of relief washed over her when a body approached the table.

Lando casually walked towards the café, wearing a plain black hoodie with a pair of jeans. He smiled as he noticed the girl, causing her cheeks to heat up. Sadie admired the boy in silence while he made his way towards her. He was even more handsome than she expected him to be.

Lando breathed in relief, chuckling nervously as he couldn't believe he was actually standing in front of her. She looked beautiful, wearing her hair up and little make up, showing him her true natural beauty.

She smiled brightly, standing up from her seat to give him a hug. His arms carefully, but carefully wrapped around her as she took in his scent.
Jojo was right, he smells just like baby fresh from the bathtub.

"It's so good to see you"
The smile never left Lando's face when he sat in front of her, his eyes stuck on her like glue.

"Me too! I'm glad you were able to scotch me into your busy schedule."
Sadie replied, resting her head on her hands while she looked back at him.

"I'd always make time for you, Sadie."
His reply made the girl blush, which she tried to hide with her hands.
"I mean, you're my celebrity crush after all."

"It still feels insane to me that you said that."
She chuckled.

Lando asked curiously, slightly tilting his head while he awaited an answer.

"I just didn't expect someone like you to have a crush on me I guess"
She shrugged awkwardly, taking her elbows off the table and onto her lap as she tugged at the sleeves of her sweater.

"Someone like me?"
The boy raised his eyebrows in a teasing manner.

"Yea I mean like, someone who could have all the girl in the world. I'd expectEd you to pick someone more... common? Like, I don't know, Selena Gomez, Zendaya, something like that."
She replied in full honesty, something Lando appreciate a lot.

"Nah, I mean, they're beautiful women, but I just ran across this video of you a couple of days before that stream, and something about you just intrigued me."
The boy now was the one to blush as he gave her his reply.
"I never would've expected you to actually reach out to me."

"Why not? Your following is bigger than mine, it's good marketing to be seen with you."
She teased, causing him to chuckle.
"No, I'm kidding. I'm actually glad to have reached out to you, I normally wouldn't have done something like that. I've never slid into anyone's dm's before."

"What made me the exception?"
Lando asked curiously, ignoring the way his body grew warm and fuzzy at her confession.

"To be honest; my friend Jojo convinced me by showing me this picture."
She shrugged

"What kind of picture?"
He smirked, hoping the answer will give him the satisfaction.

"Of you."
Sadie was now the one blushing again as she nervously looked around to avoid eye contact.

Lando was just about to reply with another cocky remark, but got interrupted by the waiter asking for their order. Once they gave him the order of both food and drinks, they continued having some smalltalk, Lando chose to let the subject of the shirtless picture go and asked her about her music.
Sadie passionately told him all about it, from how she writes her songs to when she performed them on her first world tour.

Lando listened to every word she said with full attention, wishing he could stay in this moment with her forever, but their little bubble soon got bursted by the waiter returning with their food.

The two of them kindly thanked the waiter before admiring their plates and digging into the delicious looking food in front of them.

"So, how's it been to back in England with your family?"
Sadie asked after swallowing a bite of her pancake. She suddenly got anxious when she realized she had done most of the talking, being too carried away in her passion for her job and decide to turn the conversation to Lando.

"Yeah it's been good fun. It's nice to see the family since I don't see them much anymore."
The boy answered simply.

"You must missed them a lot when you're away."
She stated, giving him a small smile.

"I do, luckily I get to see my dad and brother a lot since they like coming to my races, but my mum and sisters I miss a lot."
He replied, lighting up when he talked about his family, he truly cared a lot for them.

"How many siblings do you have?"
She asked, growing curious at the mention of "sisters"

"Three, my older brother Ollie and my two younger sisters Flo and Cisca. I also got a niece, Ollie's daughter Mila, she's only one year old."
He answered, smiling once he mentioned Mila.

"Oh, I'm an only child."
The brunette replied shyly.
"It's just me and my mum actually."

"Are you and your mum close?"
Lando was surprised by the fact, he somehow always expected her to have a big family like his.

"The closest."
She smiled, she truly loved her mother.
"She got pregnant with me when she was only sixteen. She practically raised me all by herself, I respect her in ways I can't even describe. She really is my biggest inspiration and my best friend."

"She sounds like an amazing woman."
The boy told her sincerely with a warm smile.
"Guess I now know where you got it from."

Sadie once again blushed at Lando's comment and smiled softly at him before returning her attention to her plate.

The pair finished their plates in silence, the small talking continuing once both plates were empty. Time flew by as they talked about anything that came to mind, not once getting a loss of inspiration as their conversation for about an hour or maybe even two.

"I'm having a lot of fun with you, Sadie, but I have to go."
Lando announced with a frown, he truly didn't want to go, but he promised Oliver he'd babysit Mila so that he and his wife could go out for dinner.

"Yeah yeah ofcourse! I had a lot of fun too, Lando."
Sadie smiled as they both stood up from their table after letting Lando pay for their food as he insisted.

"I hope I can see you again soon."
He turned to the girl, eyeing her as they walked on the sidewalk together.

"Me too."
She smiled.
"When will you be back in England?"

"I have two more races until Silverstone, so probably not until then."
He confessed with a frown, hating the idea of not seeing her for so long after they had their first "date".
"But, I'm free this Friday, so if you're down we could hang out?"

"I would love to!"
She smiled happily, stopping in her tracks when they arrived at her Uber that was parked beside the road.

"I have to go now, but thank you for today Lando, I really enjoyed spending time with you."

"I had a lot of fun as well, I can't wait to see you again on Friday."
The combination of his confession and blue eyes softening when he looked at her caused Sadie to feel warm inside.

They both bid their goodbyes and ended their afternoon together with a hug before Sadie got in her Uber, the smile never leaving her face during her entire trip to her appartement.

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