There he stood. Waiting. It had been a long time since he had come to this place. He stood there. Silent. Still. Breathing in deep, he filled his lungs. A thoughtless act, nothing to put too much hours thinking about. Nonsense. Much like the last sentence, nonsense. He stood there over looking the landscape. So familiar that he never gave what he was looking at a second thought. Why would he? Its all he's ever known. He studied over each hill and mountain. Gazing deep into the jungles. Glaring over the oceans. He was a child of these lands and at one time, he was their king. Now he is but a visitor. A stranger standing just behind the glass. Watching the world that he will never see. Touch or rule again. He stands there wit hanger in his heart. A deep anger. He stands there staring out to the horizon. The very one he had built. He just stands there, for that's all that he can do. Memories of summers spent running through the fields laughing. So care free. Warm memories of friends. Flashes of light. Swimming those lazy rivers. Diving to the bottom of the mother spring. Laughter echoed through his mind. The laughter didn't belong to him, but a memory so close to the man that his heart breaks.

He watches as the sun set over the land. Shadows crept in with the mans sadness. Watching the sun set his heart shatters. His heart broke the moment the laughter stopped. As the light became covered in the veil of darkness, so did the mans thoughts. He crossed his arms with his gaze now fixed on the dark land. The cold began to set in as he remembered his first winter as a soldier. A boy of only Thirteen. A child. The man went into a trance like state, remembering his commanders orders. The unspeakable thing they made him do. The breaking of bones still ring in his ear today. The sound of the dying. Ghostly figures haunt his dreams. Lurking in shadows. The man took another breathe , filling his lungs once again. "Why do you do this to yourself, my love?" A voice asked from behind the man. He took a moment before he responded. "You tell me." He answered the question. The man turned around her. The universe. She stood in front of him as she had done so many times before. They didn't speak, just shared a look. She knows there was something troubling the man. "What have you come to ask, my love?" She asked.

The man took a deep breath shaking his head. As if she didn't already know. She knew what lay in his heart. "What have you come to ask?" She asked again, so softly and so sweetly as a calming breeze. She looked at him as he looked at her. He shook his head again. "What more should i prove?" The man asked. She didn't reply. They stood there in silence. "What more do i have to give?" He asked. "I HAVE GIVING EVERYTHING!" He shouted with tears in his eyes. Before she could answer he cut her off. "I have suffered through everything you have put me through. I have bent to your will since i was a boy. Even as a teenager you have had your nose in my life." He told her. "I have tried to do it your way and i keep failing. why?" He asked looking at her, now with anger rising in his heart. "Why must i be the one to carry all of the burden? Didn't i suffer?" He asked taking a step forward. "HAVEN'T I SUFFERED?!?!" The man screamed at her, tears streaming down his face. She could do nothing but watch as he crumbled. She knows the hardships he has faced. Every challenge he's endured. Her heart broke every time. "I HATE YOU!" He screamed falling to his knees. reality shifted from the force. Her heart shattered every time he screamed how much he hated her. His cries broke the heavens and shook the underworld. "You've taken almost everything from me." He breathed uneasy.

"But i have also given you so much, my love." She replied. He looks up at her. "You give with one hand and take with the other." He said back. "That is whats fair." She told him. He looked back down with tears flooding his eyes again. Remembering every lost loved one. Every friend that he had love. Every heart break, love and loss. "No." He said. The man stood up looking her in her eyes. "You don't get to tell me whats fair. You said i would have everything!" He yelled. "I WAS PROMISED!" He stopped catching his breath. She waited. The man took a deep breath gathering his composure. "I was promised that i would get what i always wanted. I was promised so much happiness." He told her. He couldn't look at her anymore, turning back to the covered in darkness. He looked at where he had come from. His home. "A different time that was. Before the war." A sentence he regretted saying the moment he spoke it. Again he stood. just a man. Not a god. A man. He took another deep breath before he spoke again. "Why?" He asked looking back towards the horizon. "Why what, my love?" She replied. Taking a deep breath he asked the question: "Why did you take her?"

She took a few moments and took a breath. "I took her so you would be ready for when the time came. I know how much you loved her." She said looking at the man. "You would have moved mountains and oceans for her." She continued. The man stood there listening to her words as the pierced through his heart. "I saw the love you had for her, but you were sick my love. Dark and twisted by the madness of the lands. I took her to save both of you." She said calmly. He looked at her confused. "What game are you playing?" He asked stepping away from her. She knew the anger was growing inside of him. "To save us?" He asked angrily . "I've had it with you and your riddles." He said pacing now in front of her. "WHY DID YOU TAKE HER FROM ME!?" He screamed. She took a step away from him. For a moment she saw a flash of what he had been before. "I will not ask again." He said breathing deeply glaring at her.

"For your daughter." She said. He was taken back by her response, but he knew. "I took her from you to bring you back to your daughter." She said again. He stared at her almost knowing. She had taken with one had and gave with the other. He breathed slow looking back to the land. The sun was rising. A new dawn to break the silence and chase away the veil of darkness. As the light uncovered his once bright world, he heard laughter. That same laughter that broke his heart. It echoed over the rocks, through the trees. The very places the man once ruled as the boy king. Were now covered in that laughter. Tears ran down his cheeks. These were not sorrowful tears. No. These were from joy. She walked up beside him and looked out onto the land smiling. "That's why, my love." She said looking at him. The man took a breath, shaking his head with a laugh looking at her. "Thank you." He said smiling.


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