The Agent

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I was still a graduating student at Glasgow University when I heard rumors about a serial murderer. Though the killer don't murder his victims, he just mutilate and take off their skin and patch them all together again. The good thing is that the murdered or mutilator isn't guy but a lovely girl. Some victims died and some don't but live to tell the story of the horror they experience with that strange girl. Proof enough, that in the news, the girl was named Laura. The victims say that she was passionate, beautiful, with blonde long hair and about 5'11" in height and very intelligent. She is fashionable and would always fancy her victims giving them perfumes and lotions for their skin to glow and run smooth to touch.

When Laura feels happy it's okay to smile or laugh with her, but when she is sad or moody, one needs to get away or avoid her gaze for when you accidentally look at her and she got pissed off, she then starts to cut your skin and let the blood flow like she is eagerly await it to burst out and like a little girl enjoying a run in the park or jump in a room full of bubbles, she loves pool of blood and the sound of skin being cut into slices and strips. When she doesn't know what to do of the skins, she patches them all together on the same skin over the other, while her victim is asleep or heavily seated or drugged or when she had touched their private parts and made them cum so she could feel their urge and passion while shouting in terror while their skin is being bruised, cut and shaped into squares.

The skin and meat of humans when sticking out of their arms are so wonderful. Like it's two divided parts, where the color of the skin whether it's light or dark, it doesn't matter. The meat part of a girl's arm is always red and the skin, white or dark are smooth. It's so alluring to see and witnessing such painstaking witchery makes Laura feel alive, feeling and loving. One victim named Girlie mentioned that this Laura would lick her arm and taste her sweat and when she felt the moan since it would always feel good, she would start to take out her surgical knife and slice her skin then taste the meat and spit the blood off away.

Of course the blood with gush right out of my arm from the cut but when she gets tired of the scene she would close it up with needles and sew the skin up in a perfect art. When Laura had a bad day at work which is typical, she would loosely and carelessly cut my arms without anesthetics and move to the tasting my blood gushing from the cut and I would scream in pain like dying in front of her. She would gladly smile and shut her eyes off and listened to my cries and pleading or mercy. But she would just laugh and like feast on my pains and sufferings. Girlie finished off with, I need to be careful for she likes girls my age and loves to make out with girls not from around here or foreigners, because she said that they smelled good and their blood tasted sweeter than honey.

I got the goose bumps and went home for a vacation in Malibu after that year of interviewing the so called Laura of Weisbaden. She is very popular and young girls feared her, but there are some who wanted to be kidnapped by her so they could have sex with her and be cut into pieces by the so called Meat Cutter Maiden of Germany. Nah! These girls and boys were just playing around and for two years since I graduated from Glasgow Uni I never heard of this Laura again. Not until I was working at the Federal Crime Office when a call arrived at the station about a girl on her teens, said that she was attacked by another girl wearing an S&R uniform and cut her arm which was now bleeding profusely when she went a nearby hospital in Weisbaden.

Huh!, I went out to interview the girl and she was lying in bed at the E.R. section. Her mother Madelaine said that her daughter Jessie was picking up groceries for dinner when a woman suddenly attacked her from behind and slit her arm. I asked the nurse if I could check on the cut on Jessie's arm for the investigation and she agreed. I saw a cut from a blade but I'm not certain if it's a surgical knife or just a small blade or pocket knife. I asked Madelaine if Jessie had siblings and if there are classmates or what, or that she has been bullied or maybe quarreled with someone at school that hated her or something. Madelaine guaranteed that Jessie didn't have any enemies or bullies at school. Jessie is a good girl and since they moved here from London, she has been feeling off lately because see totally missed her friends back home.

Aha!, a foreigner, a girl in her 16 years, beautiful, smart and kind. Laura would definitely have a field day on this one. Hmm!, Thank you Madelaine and I'll see you soon. I need to check on my team on this and will get back to you. Maybe it's best for you and Jessie to go back to London for a while and since it's the summer, maybe she can learn karate or something for protection. Madelaine smiled and shook my hand. I didn't about the karate part for Laura isn't an ordinary serial killer but a dangerous woman for young foreign visitors here in Germany. 

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