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As Amber reached the top of the railing, her eyes caught sight of Tara approaching from behind, with Anika offering her assistance. A warm smile spread across Amber's face before she embraced Tara gently.

"How are you? Are you okay?" Amber asked, her voice filled with genuine concern as they cautiously maneuvered over the metal bar.

"I'm fin-" Tara's response was abruptly cut off as she slipped off the railing, causing Amber to gasp in alarm. Reacting swiftly, Amber grabbed hold of Tara's wrist, her eyes widening as she saw Ethan positioned beneath them.

"Shit!" Amber yelled, her grip on Tara's wrist tightening, determined to keep her from falling any further.

"I can't! I can't hold on" Tara says as she struggled to hold onto her girlfriend's hand because of the blood.

"I've always wanted to stick something into you Tara!"

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you!" Ethan yelled back.

Amber's gaze shifted, and her heart sank as she noticed Breann emerging from the elevator, her appearance exuding an unsettling aura. Letting out a sigh, Amber turned her attention to her girlfriend, silently hoping that Anika would take charge. "Amber, let me go," Tara's voice reached her ears.

"What?" Amber's voice betrayed her confusion.

"Please, baby, let me go," Tara nodded, her eyes conveying a mixture of determination and resignation. Amber let out another sigh, reluctantly accepting Tara's request.

Anika, understanding the gravity of the moment, handed Amber a knife. Without hesitation, Amber passed the weapon to Tara, who accepted it. With a heavy heart, Amber released her grip, allowing Tara to fall.

Anika moved forward, ready to confront Breann, but Amber grabbed her arm, shaking her head, and took charge of dealing with her former best friend. With determination, Amber raised an object, poised near Breann's head. Simultaneously, at the bottom, Tara struck Ethan, stabbing him in the mouth, eliciting a victorious smirk from Amber.

"Looks like you've lost another sibling," Amber taunted, her smirk widening. Breann clenched her jaw tightly, her expression revealing her anger and frustration.

As Breann charged towards her, Amber swiftly aimed her weapon and fired, a bullet piercing Breann's head, causing her to drop to the ground. With a smirk, Amber taunted, "And you were never that good at flirting."

Amber's focus then shifted upwards, and her eyes widened as she found herself face to face with Wayne. Frantically, she pulled the trigger, only to realize her gun was empty. Fear gripped her as she instinctively retreated, creating distance between herself and Wayne. Bailey closed in, seizing a gun, but before he could act, Anika sprinted towards him.

In a desperate act, Anika and Amber reached out, their hands finding each other's grip, and together, they hurled themselves off the railing. Amber's cry of "ANIKA!" echoed through the air, a mix of anguish and concern for her companion.


Wayne gradually regained consciousness, only to find the shrine shrouded in an eerie silence. Anika, Amber, Tara, and even Sam were nowhere to be seen. Sensing danger, he retrieved a concealed gun from his shoe and audibly clicked it.

Suddenly, his phone rang, and Wayne glanced down to see Anika Kayoko calling. "Hello, Detective Bailey. I have one question for you. What's your favorite scary movie?" Anika's voice echoed through the air.

Wayne chuckled softly under his breath and ascended to the main floor. "Favorite scary movie," he mused, taking aim and firing at a mannequin. "I suppose I'm asking because you're starring in one now. You're in my movie."

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