The Oracle

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Au used in this story: Guardians are fucking scary (Basically Guardians have (god like?) powers)
(Set around the beginning of season 5)
3rd Pov.

Tension was high in the classroom, Ladybug had just lost all the miraculous and hope seemed lost. All the class could do for now was continue their school responsibilities... Somehow
Ms'Bustier was teaching the best she could in these conditions, Half of the class was more focused on other things lost in their own thoughts to realize one of their classmates struggling,
She was shivering with her hands on her head and faced scrunched in pain, After awhile Alya looked over to check on her and her eyes widened at the state of her friend
"Mari?" Alya said Cautiously, The two boys infront of them turned around looking confused
Marinettes hands gripped onto her hair in a death grip she was muttering things..?
"MARI?" Alya yelped as she shook her friend, Everyone now was turned to look at the 2
"Is everything alright over there?" Ms'Bustier said worriedly, Marinette lifted her head up, Her eyes were...
Pure white?
Almost everyone flinched at the eeriness of this, Marinette then spoke but... it didnt sound like her..

"The light will grow weak and dim,

And darkness shall descend upon us.

A man of deceitful mind,

Hides a secret from within.

Beware he who does not trust,

For below will be your fall.

Heed the words of this prophecy,

To survive, all must be wary."

She blinked shrugged and yawned passing out her head bashing on the desk everyone screamed and huddled around her, A blonde looked at her wide eyed
"Dupain. What the fuck" The blonde question
"Fuck of its eepy time bitch" The ravenette mumbled before flipping Chloe off
Confusion radiated off the class

What the fuck indeed

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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