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I think this is the first time I've ever written an opening note for a Living Nightmare book.


Hello, and welcome to Arc Two of the Living Nightmare series! I'm super excited to get this going, with a new plot and new, fan-submitted characters.

Just as a quick refresher, here's the first Arc plot:

Lance has visions from Ceris while a frog, her telling him to find the key and free the Ender Watchers. Lance instructs the Endstone Crusaders to take him to the Epic Mountains, where the Ender Watchers are hiding. While looking for the key in an old temple, Lance reads off a spell that returns him to human form. 

They find the Ender Watchers alive in a lush cave with Echo, who later turns out to be Lance and Ceris' biological daughter.

They work to get the Ender Watchers to safety but Hellknight, the corrupted older brother (named Agaster) of Lance, has been hired by Naeus to kill them. He succeeds in capturing Zeganirn and Ceris.

The rest of the crew are searching for the End Crystals while Lance, Gwendolyn, and Vordus storm the Dragonspire in order to get them back. Here, Echo accidentally opens the unstable Dreamscape.

Hence, her, Lance, Vordus, Ceris, Zeg, and an inhabitant of the Dreamscape named Snowdrop have to find and destroy the Realm Crystal to save everyone. But whoever destroys it, dies.

Vordus makes that sacrifice, and everyone else is sent back to normal reality. This when Lance and Hellknight fight and both go falling down off the side of the Dragonspire. Hellknight disappears into the void.

Meanwhile, on the Overworld, the Endstone Crusaders have defeated Naeus.

That's a very rough, choppy summery. You probably should just read the actual books, they're not too long.

So, let's start Arc Two then!

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