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Abderus, aided Heracles during his eighth labour and was killed by the Mares of Diomedes

Achilles (Αχιλλεύς or Αχιλλέας), hero of the Trojan War and a central character in Homer'sIliad

Aeneas (Αινείας), a hero of the Trojan War and progenitor of the Roman people

Ajax the Great (Αίας ο Μέγας), a hero of the Trojan War and king of Salamis

Ajax the Lesser (Αίας ο Μικρός), a hero of the Trojan War and leader of the Locrian army

Amphitryon (Αμφιτρύων), Theban general who rescued Thebes from the Teumessian fox; his wife was Alcmene, mother of Heracles

Bellerophon, hero who slew the Chimera Castor, the mortal Dioscuri twin; after Castor's death, his immortal brother Pollux shared his divinity with him in order that they might remain together Chrysippus, a divine hero of Elis Daedalus, creator of the labyrinth and great inventor, until King Minos trapped him in his own creation. Diomedes, a king of Argos and hero of the Trojan War Eleusis, eponymous hero of the town of Eleusis Eunostus, a Boeotian hero Ganymede, Trojan hero and lover of Zeus, who was given immortality and appointed cup-bearer to the gods Hector, hero of the Trojan War and champion of the Trojan people Iolaus, nephew of Heracles who aided his uncle in one of his Labors Jason, leader of the Argonauts Meleager, a hero who sailed with the Argonauts and killed the Calydonian Boar Odysseus, a hero and king of Ithaca whose adventures are the subject of Homer's Odyssey; he also played a key role during the Trojan War Orpheus, a legendary musician and poet who attempted to retrieve his dead wife from the Underworld Perseus (Περσεύς), son of Zeus and the founder-king of Mycenae and slayer of the Gorgon Medusa Theseus, son of Poseidon and a king of Athens and slayer of the Minotaur

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