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"Chris! My place, Now. Hurry!" Dan commands the second Chris answers his phone.
"What, why? What's happened this time?" Chris asks holding his phone at a distance from his ear, expecting to hear a long and loud rant.
"I don't have time for your questions, just get over here, now!" And with that Dan ends the call. Chris blinks, but decides he should check on Dan, help prevent him from killing someone for petty revenge.


Chris knocks on Dan's door before seeing if the door was unlocked, and it was, so he allows himself in. A little surprised Dan wasn't in the living room to tell him what's going on.

"Dan?" He calls out closing back the door.

"Finally, took you long enough" Dan grumbles as he comes out of his bedroom, wearing just a T-shirt and boxers.

"So who's wronged you today?"

"No one, yet. I just need some uh 'help' down there. The usual just isn't working and seeing as Elise must've married you for *something* you must be at least mediocre"

"Hey! Elise and I got married because we love eachoth- wait, are you uh asking me to uhh" Chris blushes, seemingly unable to finish his sentence out of embarrassment.

"Uh yeah, obviously! Just don't try to literally eat it" Dan says pulling his boxers off, tossing them to the floor before sitting on his couch, legs spread apart as he glares at Chris, a sign he was becoming very impatient.

Chris hesitated but Dan did need help and he was his friend so it wasn't cheating, it was helping a friend. And if he doesn't there's no telling what Dan would do.
Chris swallows as he walked over to the couch and crouched down between Dan's legs, his tongue immediately licking Dan's t-dick and below, quickly becoming more eager with it as Dan began to squirm more and more.

Chris stops when his hair is yanked, he raises up to see Dan panting, his eyes open but seemingly looking nowhere.

"Are you doing ok, was it too much?" He asks pushing Dan's hands away from his hair.

"Wah- no! Why'd you stop?" Dan asks his eyes now clearly looking down at Chris. Though instead of his usual angry behavior he sounded more hurt than angry.

"Well because you pulled my hair, don't do that it hurts"

"Mhm fine, now keep going" Dan huffed, his hands grabbing the sofa instead.

Chris rolled his eyes but did as Dan asked, becoming aroused himself hearing the couch creaking as Dan squirmed slightly and his groans and heavy breaths.
He slowly moves his own hands down to his pants, undoing his belt and pants and pulling his dick out, jerking himself off while he ate out Dan.

A twinge of guilt filled his mind, he was no longer now doing this solely for Dan, he was also getting off to it. What would Elise think, if she found out would she hate Dan or worse, break up with him?

"Chris! Don't slow down now!" Dan shouts knocking Chris out of his thoughts.

He looks up at his friend, who looked like a dog begging for food.
"I've got a better idea"

"Like your ideas are ever good"

Chris decided to ignore the comment. "How about penetrative, ever tried it?"

Dan looked like he was about to pout "no"

"Why don't we try it?"

"I don't know what Elise may have down there, I'm not letting you be the reason I have to make you take me to a hospital"

"Dan I use condoms anyways, not that she has anything"

"How do you know I don't have anything then?"

"Who would you get it from?" Chris asks knowing the answer, no one.

"ARGH! You don't know everything about my life!"

"Jesus Christ- if you don't want to try penetration that's fine, you can just say it, Dan"

"You think I can't take you!? I doubt you're very big, not that it'd matter because I could take it regardless!"

'Competitive as ever' Chris thought to himself "ok so you will, great. It'll be easier on a bed"

"I don't need things easy, but I'm willing to work with your needs"

Chris doesn't argue back and gets up, Dan jumping Infront of him and going to his bedroom, Chris following right behind him still ready to plow him, despite all the unnecessary arguing it took to get to.

Dan lays in his mattress, his covers kicked to the floor. Chris takes his pants and underwear after grabbing his wallet. He gets a condom out and puts it on as he looks back over to Dan who was waiting, impatiently, with his legs spread.
Once on, Chris gets on the bed, getting himself into a good position, his dick right against Dan's vagina.

"Ok, are you ready?"

"Yes I'm ready! Obviously, why else would I-"

Chris pushes into Dan, mid rant, causing the smaller to shut up. Chris goes slow and easy, seeing Dan's face already looking like a grimace.

"Dan, if it's too much just tell me to stop"

"Ngh, shut up. I can take you" Dan argued as his left hand was already gripping the pillow his head laid on.

Chris continues, half way inside when he grabs Dan's thighs and pulls him closer and closer till Dan moaned out loudly, his face red as he looks away when Chris looks up at him.

"Is it too much?" Chris asks genuinely.

"No! Stop stopping for fucks sake"

Chris continues, thrusting upwards and fitting the entirety of his dick into Dan, he stared at his flustered friend. The moment sent him wild.
He thrusts out, taking a second before thrusting inwards, his skin slapping against Dan's. He wathes Dan and his eyes move down, looking to the usual shirt he had on, his hands move to it, hands slipping under it and sliding up to Dan's chest, his hands around Dan's sides and thumbs gliding up and down against his nipples while he continued to thrust in and out of him.

Dan's rude and demanding attitude fading away as pleasure pumped into him by the seconds.

When Christ felt himself close he moves his hands down, one had rubbing Dan's t-dick rapidly while the other pushed down lightly under his stomach.

In only seconds, Dan yells as he squirts and his legs shake against Chris. His face looked so tired and almost innocent. Chris couldn't stop himself from ejaculating right then.

Chris just stayed there for a moment before deciding to pull out and removes the condom, quickly throwing it away.

"Not too bad actually" Dan says sitting up.

"Oh uh thanks, I guess" Chris smiled as he began to put back on his clothes.
"You uh wanna go get something to eat?"

"Aren't you suppose to offer to take me out *before* fucking me" Dan teased.

"You came demanding me here. I didn't really get chance to ask you out to go eat before doing it. So I guess I'm offering it after"

"Touche. Alright, but you're paying"

"I assumed I would"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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