[Chapter 4]

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(3rd POV)

"Oh! Just shut up you pompous crybaby princess!" Morgan sighed at the sight of Richard and his wayward niece Olivia of whom had often visited him for the last two years now since he came to this world and done some wide change.

"Says the flat board midget!" He sighed further as the duo bickered though he is glad that they were in a private corner of one or the restaurant that he builted at the fifth floor sat near a mountain as he tried to enjoy the scenery.

"Midget?! Big words for a cheeky brat with a pinky suit made for a baby!" But the continued argument between the two broke any sense of peace he would have in enjoying the scenery as he look on in wry at the duo childish bickering.

Well he can excuse Olivia since she was still young... Richard however was a few decades older than the latter and is acting too childish for a person who had lived for several years and fought in wars that would have given anyone else a major PTSD or any other trauma.

"Says the old hag who dress herself as some sort of teenage brat with a terrible edgy childish flamboyant flair." The two were hurling insults at each other for a few minutes now and Morgan waited for the two to cool off their head or intervene if it goes too far.

"Hmm... these super spicy devil chicken shrimps tasted delicious." Morgan muttered biting down one of the oddest dishes he had known that were made by his quiet imaginative chefs that he hired in order to enhance the theme park quality when it comes to it's food.

"Two-faced brat!"

"Oversize lolibaba!"

"Princess cries a lot!"

"Gnome shrieking whale!"

Morgan taking a bite from another dish that he had ordered while savoring the taste while watching the two slowly get tired in insulting each other Morgan noted that their insults were getting less and less as the seconds passed by.

"I wonder... should I expand it further to mountains and build a luxury hotel palace or... a hot spring restaurant?" He wondered to himself while Richard and Olivia aftee much arguing just started to glared at each other with contempt.

"Uncle! This meanie is bullying me!" It was Olivia turn to use her trump card... puppy eyes against Morgan who stared with a blank expression. "Huh... that's cute Olivia, but your nose is bleeding."

Morgan dryly remarked as he crunches on a taco filled with all sorts o vegetables and meet with a huge amount of spice that would no doubt be painful for anyone's tongue if they aren't used to eating such a spicy food.

"Eh?... eeak!" Olivia yelped upon seeing blood drip on her nose before it got wiped away by Morgan much to the embarrassment of the former as she sported a flustered expression on her face trying to look away... but fails to do so.

"Bwahaha!!! That was so stupid did you honestly think that would work on your uncle? Brat nothing cute can penetrate his heart." Richard remarked while laughing as Olivia glared at the latter.

"You need to be se-aahahaha! Hot! Hot! Hot! Why is this fu-gmph!" Her laughter soon ended upon eating a food from Morgan side only to regret it when she felt a searing hot pain overwhelmed her tongue and even breathed out fire.

At least a tiny bit as her tongue turned redder than it usually was... eyes streaming with tears as she wailed her hand while suffering from the pain of a thousand sun compressed into her taste buds.

"Mind your words Focalor." Morgan did not know why he would give Richard such a name but somehow it fitted with her character or at least that's what his instinct was telling him after he stops the latter from letting out cursed words.

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