Chapter 1

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We could see an orphenage on fire. All the kids and the nuns were dead beside a young boy who stare at this completely shocked. His left wrist was still bloody due to all the rule hit he received. As he look around to see any survivor he suddenly heard footstep. He look behind him and see a red haired woman looking at him with a motherly look as her golden eyes shine trought the cold and snowy night.

 He look behind him and see a red haired woman looking at him with a motherly look as her golden eyes shine trought the cold and snowy night

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???:Hello there. What is your name little boy?

The boy didn't say anything and just look down sad.

???:Oh? You can't speak. That's alright. My name is Makima.

She gently croutch and put a gentle hand on the boy cheek making him relax and lean in her touch making Makima smile.

Makima:Would you like to come with me? You may don't have a family but. I can be your mother from now on.

Y/n eyes open slightly shocked. He then start shedding tears and seem sobbing but no sound was comming from his mouth as he hug Makima as tight as he could. Makima smile more and hug Y/n gently. She then pick him up and see he was now asleep.

Makima:Don't worry. I'll take good care of you. My son.

She walk away with Y/n still sleeping win his head on her shoulder as the orphenage continue to burn making the corpse dissapear.

10 years later.

We could see a big house where inside it was filled with many photos of Y/n and Makima doing different activities and being happy as a mother and son. Right now Makima was in her office doing some paperwork until she heard the door being slammed. She then see Y/n now 16 y/o running trought the house crying and he enter his room and slam the door. Makima looked slightly confused but then decide to get up and see what is happening. She then approach Y/n bedroom door and lightly knock on the door.

Makima:Y/n sweetie? Can you open this door?

After a minute the door open and reveal Y/n who had grown taller than Makima and more bulky as he was shedding tears. Makima looked concerned and put her hands on Y/n cheeks.

Makima:What happened dear?

Y/n then start moving his hands doing sign language.

Y/n:Elisa cheated on me. She said i was a dumb numbskull.

Makima strainght face slowly start to turn into a glare.

Makima strainght face slowly start to turn into a glare

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Makima:Let me handle it sweetie. I have some things to do at my job you can stay here and eat the leftovers in the fridge.

Makima walk away as her hands balls up into tight fist as they shake of rage as Y/n still looked sad.


We could see an appartment where a blond girl and a guy were smoking weed.

Guy:The face he made when you dumped this idiot was priceless hehe.

He take a puff of the weed.

Girl:Yeah. Seriously who would want to be with such an idiot. He can't even speak.

Then the doorbell fo the appartment ding. The guy groan and get up and walk toward the door and see Makima.

Guy:Daaaamn look at this baddie. Is there something you need babe?

Makima wasn't smiling and send him a bone chilling glare.

Makima:Out of my sight insect.

The guy got so scared he run out of the appartment as he piss his pants. Makima enter the appartment and see the girl getting more puff.

Girl:Huh? Who are ya' bitch?

Makima:Are you Elisa Hupkins?

Elisa:Yeah so what? The fuck you want slut?

Makima:I am Y/n mother. I heard you cheated on him and called him a numbskull.

Elisa:Oh so your the retard mom? Yeah i did. What are you gonna do about it? Scold me?

Makima:Oh don't worry.

Suddenly the arms of Elisa crack and bend in imposibble ways making her yell of pain. Makima eyes glow as she stare at her with a slight smile

Makima:I plan on doing way worse.


Makima return home with blood all over her shirt and even a bit of guts on her shoulder. She remove it and throw it in a trash can and see Y/n in the restroom sleeping on the couch as he was watching some cartoon show. Makima smile and put a sheet to cover him and peck his forehead.

Makima:I love you so much. I will never let anyone hurt you.

She walk in the bathroom and take a bath. The water remove every drop of blood on her as she sight of relaxation. She then remember when she took bath with Y/n when he was kid as he was playing with the bubbles of the bath. She then notice how she changed a lot since she adopted Y/n. Before she met him she was a cold and calculating woman but when she adopted him she became a careful and very loving mother. She smile happily that her life turned for the better. Suddenly she heard her cellphone in her pants ringing. She groan slightly and take the phone from the pocket of her pants and awnser the call.


???:Did you killed this girl?

Makima:Hello Gojo. Yes i did it. A problem with that?

Gojo:You know you can't kill anyone who touch your son right? Were gonna get ourserlf discovered.

Makima:Tell me Satoru. Who is the headmistress of the school?

Gojo:...You why?

Makima:Who beated you 15 years ago?

Makima:That's right. When you'll be stronguer than me we can talk. And just so you know.

She grip her phone tightly at the limit of crushing it.

Makima:My son is my only priority. So if you ever try to tell me otherwise i send you in hell. Got it?

Gojo:Fine i get it geez.

Makima smile and hang up. As she relax in the bath she then get an idea.

Makima:Oh that could work.

Broken boy(JJK x CSM x Male autistic mute reader)Where stories live. Discover now