Chapter. 1

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Harry styles-

"Styles" I hear my name yelled from through the door. Niall

"What do you want Ni kind of busy"

"Well I thought that girl was coming at 3 today?"

I look at the clock. 2:50pm

"Shit yeah she is" I curse realising I don't have long left

"Oh and Remember your just a receptionist you don't know her ok Niall. And make sure Louis stays in position." I remind Niall through my stress

"Why can't we just take her anyways"Niall asks through a sigh "not like we haven't taken people before"

"She's here for a job interview remember, this will only work if she believes that this is just a simple job, nothing else ok" I say through the door still remaining firmly shut

"She's here" Louis's words practically echo through me from the small earpiece wedged in my right ear.

"Niall go" I snap


A quite nock sounds at the door

03:00 pm on the dot

"Miss. Lees please do come in" I say pleasantly sitting back in the leather chair one side of the desk in this rather grand room.

The door slowly opens

A young girl, around 20 with silky, straight, blonde hair tied up neatly in a high ponytail. A black dress stopping at her mid thigh with a small jacket over the top and small white clutch bag. Pink lips matching her cheeks and crystal blue eyes. Her scuffed white trainers make a sound against the marble floor as she quietly makes her way towards the red chair facing me.

My train of thought is quickly interrupted by none other than Niall's voice through my ear piece.

"Shit she's hot" is all that I hear before I quietly place it in my desk draw.

"It's Amelie" she says timidly meeting my eyes .


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