Amelie Lees
The first thing my eyes meet are a pair of intimidating green ones.
"It's Amelie" I say quietly
A small smile climbs up his lips. More of a smirk I think. I can't tell.
"Well then Amelie I'm harry styles. But you can call me Harry today" he says with a hint of kindness in his voice
Taking in my surroundings I notice a few bookshelves and grand windows overlooking some land. I've never been to a place like this before.
"So your applying for a job here is that right?" He breaks my train of thoughts.
"Yes, yes I am"
"And what field are you looking to work in Amelie?" He drags out my name for just a second to long to be usual.
"Just to organise" I respond in a calm tone not letting whatever he's doing bother me for to long.
"I see, and you do understand that you will stay in the buildings with other workers and expected to be on time and efficient everyday, yes?" He questions me glancing up and down my body making me shift ever so slightly.
"Yes I understand the rules here thank you Harry"
Living here is part of the reason this job appealed so much to me.
"How old are you miss. Lees?" He questions
"19 but I'm close to 20, my birthdays April" I smile in response
"Very well I'm 21" he smiles before glancing down at some paper littered across the desk.
"Well then we will be in touch very shortly about your placement at this job miss. Lees" he says whilst opening his desk draw paying no more attention to me.
Am I meant to show myself out?
"Um- I'm very sorry to interrupt but how will I be receiving this news?"
"Don't worry about it, I'll make sure it gets to you, but don't wait around to respond or your placement will be lost Amelie" he mutters with a sudden warning and sternness in the green of his eyes
I nod politely before heading to the door.
The large hallway appears in front of me again as I make my way towards reception where I once came in followed by a cool breeze.
There is one person behind the desk with bleached blonde hair hanging by his eyes, I keep walking hearing him mutter under his breath.
At this point I'll take any job accessible to get away.
Where's my bag?damn it I must have left it in Harry's room.
Quick as I can I make my way back towards the room 144. I see the receptionist give me a strange look but decide to think nothing of it.
Reaching the door I pull my hand up to knock but I'm met with the door pulled wide open and a ringed finger holding the small clutch In front of me making me slightly Jump.
"Didn't mean to scare you darling" he smiles holding out my bag.
I feel paralysed but none the less I take the bag and nod in appreciation before hurrying away.
Harry styles-
"Put a tag on the bag Louis so keep an eye on where she goes will you" i mutter through the piece of metal.
That went surprisingly well
She was beautiful.