Rise of the Dalon Part 2.

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William and Valessa hastened in the wake of the lords and the royal guard, accompanied by their fellow south wardens. Those who headed north found solace in walking away from the immediate battleground, fully aware of the ominous task ahead. The gravity of their city being under attack by an unimaginable force hung in the air, yet panic had not yet gripped them. The wardens, chosen for their seasoned experience and steadfast character, reassured themselves that Farnbreth's vastness was a formidable shield against swift conquest. This, of course, didn't discount the resilience of the royal guard, and the absence of news about Roanha's potential defeat only added to the tense atmosphere.

As William and his comrades ventured south, each step brought them closer to the impending threat, with William leading the way. Meanwhile, life in the rest of the city continued as usual, blissfully ignorant of the looming danger. Only a handful paused to observe the passing royal guard, unaware that their worlds were on the brink of upheaval. In a short while, everyone in the southern part of the city would be forced to abandon their homes and belongings, as they followed the exodus northward.

William shared the collective apprehension of his companions, anxious about the timing of their intervention. Yet, the lords they trailed exuded confidence, providing a glimmer of reassurance. Continuing their journey south, the wardens gradually dispersed to attend to their respective wards, while the oblivious populace remained untouched by the imminent threat. It became evident that whatever malevolent force lurked had not yet turned its attention to the heart of the city.

The monumental task of relocating the entire ward to the north consumed William's thoughts. Safely reaching his hall, he left the royal guard marching towards the forts, where Farmer and Crane waited. Learning that Balor had pursued Cral, concern crept in for William and Valessa. In a swift response, William dispatched Crane and Farmer after

the guard, urging them to return promptly with any information on what or who might be approaching from the north. Just as they departed, Marlie arrived with James and Jay in tow, bringing a sense of relief to William, knowing Marlie was the priest for his ward. Amidst the whirlwind of responsibilities as a warden, William couldn't shake the overriding concern for his family. The looming spectre of war drew them in at every step, a thought that both horrified and compelled him to do everything possible to shield them.

Having received word from the High Priest, Marlie had prepared for William's return. Assigning James and Jay to watch over the road, with one at the gate and the other on the barn roof, led to a comical race for the rooftop. Eventually, Jay's discomfort on the ridge made him regret not yielding the post to James, who now found amusement in his friend's predicament.

As urgency mounted, William and Marlie collaborated on plans. Marlie, having organized his devoted worshippers to gather the community in designated groups at specific houses, instructed them to converge at William's hall. As the first few arrivals appeared, William directed James to keep them in the yard. Opting to guide the ward north around the city rather than through it, William aimed for a ward and warden he could trust, nearly opposite his own, to ensure a safer journey.

Throughout, William anticipated a sudden warning, foreseeing a frantic dash north with any semblance of plan and order discarded. Suppressing his fears, he clung to the hope that time was still on their side, even as Balor's absence nagged at his mind. Marlie's delegates arrived, left, and returned with neighbours in tow. As the day progressed, William selected the more seasoned and well-travelled members of each group to lead, sending them north. With each passing hour, William and Marlie grew more anxious to witness the ward's departure, ensuring all was in order before releasing each group according to the established plan.

A multitude of confused individuals headed north, their anxious glances alternating between the wrenching prospect of abandoning homes and possessions and the vigilant watch for potential adversaries. In the early evening, the first shout pierced the air. Jay, stationed on the roof, startled William when he bellowed a warning, gesturing down the road. Reacting swiftly, William, Marlie, and others rushed to the road and peered south. Panic gripped William, though he concealed it adeptly. The cause of the commotion? Farmer and Crane, returning.

"I'll handle these two," William declared to Marlie, "you keep the people moving."

This direct command caught Marlie off guard, as it was the first time William had issued such a directive. In a ward, a warden and a priest held equivalent ranks, yet Marlie refrained from the protest, recognising the urgency of the situation.

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