"..not holding back anymore.." [prologue]

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It had been too much for aizawa, too fucking much..

How was he supposed to control himself anymore? Specially when the sweet little boy he wanted was as obsessed, if not more, as he was..~

he obviously needed to do something, not with just his attraction, but the filthy boyfriend of his adorable, innocent Izuku..~

God, how dare that disgusting blond even think he deserves someone as precious as izuku? Just because he was controlling himself it didn't mean he would feel guilty about removing him, not when he could do it so, so easily..

And Izuku would be all his, all his to adore, love, care for..

And breed, of course..~

It's not like he was any better than bakugo when it came to his lust for the greenete..~


"..corruption.." || "..aideku X micdeku.."Where stories live. Discover now