Oogey! boogie! Boogeyman!

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Chapter two: Dead down

Robert Pov

When I came to the High lord's office, the decoration was surprising, having multiple objects that kept completely balanced, a globe that turned on its own and one of those drinking bird toys. "Robert. Good you're early, that's why you're getting an easy mission: Changeling. One Rider and a hunter will be with you, just know they will be your observers. You might outrank them in status but not in experience, got that?" He told me sternly, and I answered. "Y-yes sir." He smiled at me and I left the office after taking the file and looked at the manual and found there was a transportation hallway?! Why didn't Zorig use that instead of his phantom?

I learned why because it was one Phantom and I held a number waiting. "Hey can I sit here?" I nudged back and let him sit. "I'm Micheal, journeyman but I'm going to get promoted to Rider." I nodded a bit weirded out why he was telling me this. "Sorry, ha just so excited! What's your name?" I answered. "I'm Robert, just an Apprentice." His demeanor changed. "O-oh sorry for speaking to you so openly!" He was about to stand up but explained. "I just started working here a week ago, I was picked up by Zorig and honestly this job is a pain." Micheal made himself comfortable. "Yea it is especially if you find the aftermath of an attack." I sighed as he reminded me of that village turned to gnomes and then in that giant. "I guess you don't have a phantom?" I shook my head. "No, I will be honest, what is a phantom? The manual never mentions it."

Micheal had a big grin of joy. "Oh boy! Ok a phantom, is a preprogrammed Aura manifestation, it has its own personality and abilities. They're made by a sealer by placing a piece of their soul into an object, this becomes a token. Phantoms are able to use complex forms of Aura easily and have their own range, like the transportation Aura she Alters Space itself to send you to your location." I thought one could make a god like Phantom and take over entire nations. "But the more Phantoms you have the more your mind goes. Like Wunschmund he's gone through so much and is completely delusional and believes himself to be the second coming of Solarium." My number got called and I went to the Phantom that looked like a scrap fabric doll. "So how—" It swallowed me.

I saw images of a girl crying holding a sock doll as she was beaten with a twig, before appearing on the other side. "Ok! That was just, I need a minute." The next people who came were Micheal and an older man with graying hair and a squire mustache. "New to going through Momo?" I threw up. "Yea, what were those images? I was never beaten with a stick." I whipped the spit off my mouth. I turned to the older man. "Sorry I'm Robert." We shook hands and he told us his name. "Randy, so you're the apprentice as support?" I nodded as Randy led the way, we were in New Jersey. He entered the home of a couple, the mother, crying as the husband brought us drinks.

"I-I-I don't know what h-happened. I put him to bed and the next morning there was this thing in his bed." Randy wrote down, as the husband continued. "The police looked around and found no sign of struggle so you're here." Micheal took out a tablet. "How can you describe your child?" The father answered with a worried tone. "He is a well behaved little, always washes his teeth, loves to play outside and he sometimes sucked his thumb but he will grow out of it." The last sentence made  Randy stop writing and Michael decided to continue. "You don't know about straw hair Peter, correct?" They gave him a confused look."We need to see your 'child' before we can continue." He entered the bedroom and I saw the kid and instantly I felt off and I generated a knife. "Good instinct." Randy commented and then the thing tilted it's head before I just chopped it's head off, as a fairy flew out of the body revealing it to be a toy. "That was a C-Changeling?" The mother asked though Randy elaborated. "No it was a pixie, they like to play tricks. It saw an empty bed and wanted to play a trick. Your kid is still alive but we need to work fast, Micheal you call for reinforcement, Robert you're coming with me." Crawled under the bed and disappeared." Micheal shrugged and looked at me. "He's the senior officer." I turned to the parents. "Don't worry we will do our best." I said before crawling under the bed and falling into pillows. We looked around and it was like a giant pillow fort. "Welcome to the boogeyman's domain." Randy said with a bitter tone.

We continued on walking through the world made out of pillows, blankets, toys and lost socks. "Who's your master?" I answered. "Zorig." He laughed. "Oh boy I'm sorry for you, Zorigs a hard ball. The man was young when I was still a follower." I was curious because the man looked to be in his thirties. "I started out when I was fifteen. Zorig came after my group documented a case of a Windigo. He arrived and the creature feared him, now Windigo's aren't your average creature, when they fought Zorig ripped it's heart out with only a scratch. That's the difference between a master and a knight. Masters don't die easily, they are feared and their Aura is like a storm constantly moving." It sounded odd, Zorig is such a nice man it was hard to believe him to be a monster. We continued then heard a gavel, he hid behind a giant teddy bear and looked at what looked to be a presenter. "NOW! Little Marky here likes fire trucks, plays with action figures and wets the bed." They laughed and there we saw a collection of creatures, demons, monsters and one of the more famous creatures was Baba Yaga, bloody Mary, multiple demons, angels, and many humans in suits. "What is this?" I asked and Randy answered. "An Auction. Paranormal Creatures can only trade with two things, their promise or powerful items. Those people are there to trade with money or worse."

The auctioneer stepped forward. "HELLO, IT IS I THE BADDY, THE WOOGEY, THE BOOGEYMAN! AHAHAHAAHA!" He looked like a muscular man covered in a bet sheet and wore a pillow casing over his head. The audience clapped and cheered as Randy's face spelled nothing but anger, then he pulled out a revolver and fired at the boogeyman hitting him in the right eye. Only the human's in the audience panicked while the demons and other creatures seemed to leave.

The pillow fabrics swirled into spikes and stabbed the human. "Oh fear, my favorite meal! OH RANDY BOY! I already fed your sister to my best clients! But I feel peckish so let's take a bite out of you." He spoke in his dramatic and explosive manner, he attempted to stab us but I generated a bullet proof glass stopping the spike. Randy pointed his revolver and again only to was a threat too small to see cut his hand off. "Randy!" I lost my concentration and he impaled my chest. "Oh nice an apprentice's head to mount in my study!" Everything felt heavy and it was so hard to keep away. I just needed a little rest.

Darkness is all I dreamed as needles pierced my chest and my right eye, remembering the loved one I have lost, those who broke my trust and traumatized me. "Robert!" I opened my eyes and my wounds were gone. "Thank Sol you're alive." I looked around and it looked like a Pillow fight between giants had happened. "What happened?" I saw Robert's hand was reattached and my wounds were healed. "A master rank Sealer came here and made quick work of Boogeyman, after healing us he left." I nodded and to the stage to find multiple children all tied up and in cages.

We brought them out and the reinforcements came with the police and emergency vehicles.

Micheal said to us "Sometimes this job it's worth all the risk." We saw Marky hugging his parents. Randy smoked and took out his watch. "I'm heading out writing up my reports, and going to the Jersey office." Micheal and I nodded. "How about we head the town? On me?" I nodded. I needed some relaxation.

3rd pov

Randy walked to the office of high lord, knocked. "You may enter." Randy walked in and sat down. "What is Robert?" The high lord looked at Randy. "Ronald, what did you see?" Randy thought back. "Something wrapped in black bandages and made out of light, it destroyed the boogeyman and then wrapped its bandages around my hand and stumped and then Robert's chest healed us and went back in—" He then realized that the entity came out of Robert's bell trinket on his necklace. "Exactly, it's a phantom, a rare case of a phantom created subconsciously." Randy gulped. "The boogeyman isn't dead, he's a spirit that is fueled by children's fear that it will take a few years before he's back." Randy hitting the table. "Good news you're being promoted to knight, Zorig will show you how to create your phantom, we were able to collect a ledger of boogeyman's clients, you will be on a task force with Zorig and his apprentice. Take tomorrow off." Randy left the office and called his mother. "Good news, I'm a knight now." His mother: "That's great honey, the check you sent cleared we're so proud of you. Emily, say hi to your brother dear." His sister spoke in an empty and unmotivated tone. "Hi brother." Randy bit back the pain. "I will get your soul back, I swear I will and the first thing we will do is go to your favorite Restaurant I promise." He took a deep breath calming down. "I love Emily." She answered him in the same empty sound. "I love you too." He hung up, his legs gave out falling to the ground. His doubt telling him his mom had whispered the phrase in her ear. "Aargh!" His Aura flared and the walls cracked and changed into boogey being killed in multiple ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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