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as I'm about to walk into the office I hear Foggy and Karen talking and Foggy says some dumb joke and gets both of them laughing i smile a bit then head in "Hey buddy" he says coming up to me slapping my back he pauses and i hear his heartrate rise "god what happened to your eye?" I hated lying to him truly I did but I lie to protect him, he couldn't be hurt because of what I do in my free time "Oh ran into a wall wasn't really paying attention my fault" I shrug, feeling their gazes linger on me "geez matt you have to be more careful" Foggy scoffs "Dude you are so clumsy" I laugh trying to lighten the moment "what can I say I'm the clumsy blind guy" Karen holds in a laugh while Foggy fully lets out his laughter "you two are awful," she says now laughing with her head shaking.

i go into my office setting my stuff out of the table and getting ready to sit here for a few hours minimum when Foggy knocks "Hey good news Brett may have a case for us he's still getting details on it"

"okay lets hope he can give us this case we are in need a new one also why does he still talk to you doesn't he hate you?" Foggy gasps, I hear him slap his hand on his chest

"how dare you use such a strong word Matthew, plus nobody could ever hate me. I'm so loveable" I pat his shoulder "Yeah you're right no one could ever hate you Fog" I smile

"you better mean that" I let out a chuckle "Of course I do"


"okay so Sadie i need you to go here" my boss slides me a paper that has an address on it "like always you'll be there to take photos for with Clara tomorrow at 9am" I nod in understanding trying my best to focus on the meeting but i could hear my phone ringing, whoever it was, was very adamant on getting a hold on me "you can take it if you need to" I felt bad my boss is actually nice thank god I like her I hate working for someone I constantly just wanted to punch them in the face I did it for many years it was a very trying time for me "Sorry I'll only be out for a second" she swats me away "No it's okay, we were basically done anyway" I smile at her quickly then exit the office and answer the call as I wake my way to my small cubical


Miss Pierce we are going to need
you back at the station

right now?


okay um okay yeah I'll be there soon

As I finish up the awfully dry conversation with who sounds to me like Detective Zimmerman, in the corner of my eye I see my boss, Lucy coming closer and closer to my cubical "Everything okay?" I nod quickly getting my bag "Um yes but I need to go is there any chance I could come back within 2 hours? it's kind of an emergency I-" I ramble on annoyingly so, she cuts me off by touching my arm "That's fine just make sure you come back I still need to go over a few things" "I promise I'll be back" I thank her and start my journey.

I walk into the precinct my palms sweaty, why was I nervous over a crime I never committed my thoughts come to a halt as I see the two detectives waiting by the front desk with who I'm guessing is now my lawyer "This is your public attorney" his hand reaches out for mine "Eric young" he states I shake his hand saying nothing to him "Let's get this started" eric and I go back to the room they show us to, and not wasting any time he immediately starts to try and get something out of me "Look I need you to tell me the truth before we make a Defence case for you" his face is stern I guess showing he means business, hun and his wide glasses and his sparse beard and odd mustache nothing about him was intimidating.

"I told everyone the truth" I'm not a person to get frustrated easily but this guy just had a face you get mad at every time you glance at it "I need you to repeat it for me"

"Okay the truth is that I didn't do anything, I gave my alibi to the detectives I was at work all day then went straight home. we broke up so I haven't been in contact since the break up almost 3 weeks ago" I try to not focus on the fact that my voice just cracked and I was on the verge of crying "Are you sure?" this fucking guy

"do you take me for some murderer? I would never kill anyone let alone my ex-boyfriend. no, I didn't kill my ex Mr. Young" I snip at him, he looks at me obviously baffled at my harsh tone "You seem awfully defensive Miss Pierce"

"Because I'm being falsely accused of killing Levi so sorry if I'm a little upset" he just hums as we sit in silence "We're gonna be here for a while, hope you didn't have plans," I think about my boss and how I promised I would be back "can I at least text my boss tell her I won't make it back on time?"
"yeah go ahead" so I do just as I said I would while he was staring at me the whole time "Done"
"Okay now miss pierce start from the beginning"

this is going to be a very long day.

a/n- sorry i'm just trying to get the story started but hope you enjoy the scraps

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