Rain sex (gxgxb)

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Disclaimer: under no circumstances is this cheating, the couple obviously wants someone else in bed with them and they chose lucky ol Mira :) If this ain't your cup of tea, skip immediately <3

Teacher x student
Married Couple/open relationship


Mira Pov

I love the rain.

It's peaceful. Cozy. It can be gloomy but comforting at the same time. I love staring outside with a warm drink in hand and a blanket with me.

Today though...I hate the rain. I have never hated rain more. I had studied in my universities library and as I was leaving it started pouring down. Luckily I did bring a coat but I am soaking right now.

My apartment is pretty far from campus too. I usually take the bus but since I stayed at the library for so long that bus line closed. It would be way faster to walk to my apartment than to catch the other bus across the campus close to one of the dorms.

I was content on my choice. So I did so. I sped walk as much as I could, the rain was consistent, hard droplets hitting objects over and over.

I quickly look across the road before crossing the street, I don't have time to catch myself before I bump into someone. Groans fall from our mouth as we shuffle back.

My eyes widen seeing its one of my professors, Mr. Blackwood. I always had a little crush on him, he was so attractive and smart, I loved the way he taught.

"Oh, Mira what are you doing out here in the pouring rain?!" He asks, his eyebrows furrow.

"Hi, I had studied in the library, I didn't know it was raining until I left, this is so horrible." I explain, I raise my hand over my head to try covering my face from the rain.

"Such a responsible student I see, is your place far? Can't you catch the bus?" He responds. I shake my head.

"The bus I usually take closed already and it would be way faster to walk home than walk across campus to catch the other bus, I should be fine though." I wish he was in his car instead so he could drive me home.

"Oh please, my house is down here would you like to come over for a while? Its the least I could do." He asks.

Mr. Blackwood asked me to come over to his house? Is this real? It's literally nothing, he's just being nice and helping me out...

"I wouldn't want to be a bother, I can just walk," I wave him off. He shakes his head though.

"You could never be a bother, its horrible outside anyways, I don't mind." Without another word he starts walking the way I was going to go. I follow him.

Once we reach his house, he opens the door for me and I slip past him, he follows after and shuts the door. I slip off my shoes and set them on the mat beside the door. His home is very cozy, small lights and candles are set around the area. He takes our coats and sets them in the closet.

"Come this way, lets get you situated." He leads me to the living room.

"You can use this blanket to warm you up if you'd like and I'll set a fire." He says. My eyebrow raises.

"Uh, sir, my clothes are wet, I wouldn't want to get your furniture dirty," I chuckle. He looks at my clothes before chuckling too.

"Ah I forgot," He scratches the back of his head.

"You're back Xavier," Both of our heads turn to see, whom I'm guessing, his wife. She's pretty, raven hair, some tattoos are showing on her arms, she's wearing a silk black pajama set.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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