The Fight that was the Fertilizer

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AN: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mild violence warning.

Death is an impenetrable wall. So it was no surprise that the poor soul could not prevent another from escaping the cruel story of Fate.

And so, the time spent at the Vanilla Castle grew to a close, and the Five unfortunates went on their way. Many moons and suns shone on the flowers below..until the day they were trampled by fire and wrath.

"My king, there is a violent disturbance in the Greensalad Forest!"

"Greensalad Forest....that's about 30 minutes from the Vanilla Kingdom! And due to my occupation as king, I will see to it that this violence will cease."

"P-pardon me, oh my great, kind king-"

"Please, there is no need to call me something so formal! You may call me Pure Vanilla."

"T-that's the issue! You're way too kind and, dare I even utter the word! Soft!"

"I believe that inside every rebellious cookie is one that is just shaken up. Confused, scared, in need of warmth. Therefore, I will need no protection. I shall need no army. And I definitely do not want to disturb my new found companions. They have issues of their own."

"Shall I at least get White Lily Cookie, my king?"

"Although her presence is greatly appreciated, no I believe I do not need her. Leave her to her studies, and ready my horse."

"Right away, Pure Vanilla!"

And so, the Vanilla king set off to quell the flames of a rowdy uprising. With hope and kindness flaming in his bosom, (SCARLET LETTER INFLUENCE ALERT) he foolishly thought that this would be the start of an peaceful conversion.

As one surely will be able to tell, this did not go as planned.

"Agh!" The Vanilla king groaned as he was thrown against the mighty trunk of a tree.

"So, this is the 'GrEaT vAnIlLa KiNg' who's crown should strike obedience into unreasonable  cookies like ourselves? Doesn't that make you shudder with laughter mates?" A grating laugh made up of many cookie started up behind the leader.

"P-please, let me just talk this over with you...maybe we could c-come to an agreement?" It was painful to breath. He was crouching on the grassy forest floor spitting out jam as he struggled to speak.

"Escuuuuuse me, great PRINCE, does 'unreasonable' not mean anything to you? And here I thought you were the top of your class!" A voice in the crowd rang out, making the rowdy cookies laugh.

"Bind him. The Voice commands that we bind him to this tree and rip his beating heart out for The Voice to judge!" The violent crowd began to cheer as two cookies bound Pure Vanilla to the tree with sour strings.

"No, please, you don't have to do this! This Voice person....don't listen to them! This won't change anything!" The lead cookie grabbed his head in pain as he lifted Pure Vanilla's head to look at his with his dagger.

"Yes, it will. It will change the minds of all to denied us our destiny. It will make those high and mighty hypocrites like you FALL. The world will know what TRUE JUSTICE MEANS! And YOU WILL NOT STOP US! Go to hell, great king." As he raised up his dagger, everything seemed to slow. Pure Vanilla could only gaze at the pointed tip of the dagger aimed right for his chest as he regrettably let tears fall from his eyes. This is it. This is how he goes. A failed king. A failed student. A failed cookie.

"DARKNESS BE GONE!" An angry voice, with flaming fury dwelling in it's wielder rang out through the rough lighting of the clearing. Instantly, a brilliant violet light defeated the dark fog that clouded their vision and the crowd screamed in agony. Pure Vanilla was shocked. That sounded like....(no it couldn't be! He couldn't be here! He couldn't be here in time! His residence was miles away!) As he pondered over this revelation, he felt the pressure from the sour string lessen on his body as he fell to the ground, his knees giving way. Vision fading, he could he two violet eyes, clouded with concern as he felt two strong arms pick him up.

When he opened his windows again, he saw two magenta eyes staring right back at him.

"Wakey, wakey, Nilla!"

"White Lily Cookie? B-but I could have sworn-"

"Yes, Dark Cacao saved you, but he didn't leave without company." The flower queen kept her eyes locked onto Pure Vanilla's as he sat up with some difficulty.

"But how?! The Cacao Kingdom is miles away from the Greensalad forest!"

"I myself was confused, friend. But, it just turns out that he was in the vicinity when he heard from the Vanilla residents that their dear king was leaving to put down a rebellion on his own. Knowing that he could not wield the power to heal, he employed my help. We ran faster than the speed of light to save you. Please don't ever leave to quell conflicts by yourself ever again!" 

Pure Vanilla looked down at his bandaged hands, then back at those same gentle, pleading magenta eyes that he found himself lost in many times. "I promise White Lily. I'll never leave alone again." He held her gloved hand in his. "On my life, dear."

Outside the tent, Dark Cacao couldn't help but peep into what events were unfolding inside the tent.  He saw everything, as well as heard. While he would usually stuff the memories of a healing tent into a forgotten section of his mind, this memory refused to erase itself. And an awful, shameful feeling arose. ("Dear")... he replayed the word again and again in his head. It sounded so sweet coming from Pure Vanilla's lips, only to turn sour when it reached the ears of someone that was not himself, and the more he thought about it, the more the feeling consumed him. Jealousy was it's name. And it did not apply to the bitter king of the Cacao Kingdom. And while he walked into the tent to see the king, the feeling still stayed there, like a bothersome leech.

And it hurt all the more when the praise that White Lily got should have been directed at him, for he came to the Vanilla Kingdom for the Vanilla King.


Summary: Femking is almost killed when a plant and emo das rescue him in a stereotypical almost death senario, emo das is kinda mad.

An: YOYLECAKE, and listen to "Baka x 3", it will help you know what happened to my motivation and why this chapter is 23 DAYS LATE :((((((((((((

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