Sometimes all it takes is a talk

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Hey just wanted to say sorry because, there is a lot of the character I made for this story. Because, I ended up really liking this character but it is Tom x Jake again very sorry this story kinda drags on about Jake and this character.

Summary: it's been 10 months Tom and, Jake are still friends Jake coworker likes him. And, Jake thinks he likes him too but Jake realizes he just sees his coworkers as his best friend Tom and Jake talk about how they are both scared and just decides to take it slow.

Ship: Tom x jake

So there is going to probably be some time skip in this one-shot ⚠️finale season 1 spoilers⚠️

10 months after the show

Jake POV

I don't want to be at work today it's my grandma birthday and, I'd rather not be here today. ???: "hey Jake you okay" Jake: "huh oh yeah I'm okay Seth" please meet Seth my coworker he's sweet but a flirt. Seth: "you sure that cute smile of yours isn't smiling" Jake: "just don't really like today" Tom: "why's that" Jake: "AHHHH jeez Tom you scared me". Great now like everyone at the cafe was staring at me Tom: "sorry can I have americano to go". Seth: "sure coming right up" Tom: "so why don't you like today" someone called me over to give someone there coffee. Jake: "sorry I don't have time to talk". Tom: "you can just tell me real quick". I know that me and Tom are friends still but, I don't want to depend on him. I don't want to make my problems his worries like I did in the show. Jake: "don't worry Tom I'm fine just very tired but, why are you worried about me you're literally a cop now your job is really stressful". Seth: "hey your americano coffee is ready" Tom: "thank you I'll see you tomorrow Jake". Jake: "yeah have a good day see you tomorrow" Tom left and I went back to my job I could tell Seth was looking at me but didn't say anything.


I could tell Jake was lying but, it wasn't my place to pressure him to tell me. That Seth dude is friends with Jake hangs out with him a lot but, I remember a conversation he had a month ago.

Flash back

Jake: "hey Tom I know we aren't dating but, I wanted to talk to make sure that it was okay". Tom: "uh yeah sure what's up" Jake: "I know it sounds stupid and, I don't need your permission but, I think I like my coworker. Seth you've met him but I just wanted you to know". Tom: "well it's fine I mean you we aren't dating and, we talked about to it's fine I don't mind and don't need to know".

Flash back ends


I know that we aren't dating but, I was hoping just a little longer for him to be single and not like anyone. Of course it's selfish but, I think I'm starting to want to date him again. I can't be distracted I'm a cop and, I have important stuff to do.

Time skip

Jake POV

Me and, Seth were the ones closing up the cafe Seth: "so Jake are you busy tonight" Jake: "uh no I'm not busy tonight". Seth: "well in like an hour so we could get ready would you like too you know go to the movies". Jake: "yeah okay sounds fun" Seth: "great it's a date" Jake: "yeah will we meet up somewhere or what". Seth: "I'll pick you up at your house" Jake: "okay see you in a little bit".


After my shift I decided to call Jake I wanted to make sure he was alright Jake: "hey Tom what's up". Tom: "you sound happier then this morning" Jake: "okay well Seth asked me out on a date tonight and I'm just really excited". Tom: "oh well that's good have a nice time uh call me and tell me how it goes". Jake: "thank you I have to get ready talk to you later" He hung up well I guess I could go hang out with Miriam.

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